You Top My Priority

Chapter Thirty-Six

"Hi Jane, welcome back"

The receptionist greeted as Jane and Amaka walked into the office building.

"Thank you ma'am, how have you been?"

"Doing great, sorry about your accident though you don't look like what you have been through"

"Really how so?"

"You are glowing all over and you have this gleeful look"

Jane turned to look at Amaka "Really?"

"Yes" they both answered in unison

"Well it's the Lord's doing"

"And it's marvelous in our sight" the receptionist answered as she waved them off "it's good to have you back Jane, I will see you girls around"

"I told you, you are glowing" Amaka said to her as they walked towards their office

"That's what you get when you have peace"

"You forgot to add dating a millionaire"

"Amaka when are you going to st..''

Just then Jane's phone rang, she took it out of her bag and saw it was Jeffery calling.

"I will see you during lunch break, tell Jeffery I said hi" Amaka said as she went into her office.