One Day At A Time

Chapter Forty-six

"Hey babe" came Jeffery's fatigued voice, Jane could tell that just like herself, he hasn't been having a great day too. 

"Hello, Jeff" 

"My driver told me you have arrived at the apartment already"

"Yeah we arrived few minutes ago, I didn't know you own a penthouse?"

"Yeah I do, don't worry you will soon get to know about the other properties I own" there was silence between them, it was as if they were scared of mentioning what was happening.

"How are you doing?" Jeffery asked, his voice almost a faint whisper.

"I'm okay, how are you doing yourself I know you must be getting as much heat from the paparazzi too"

"Just a few, I think they are more interested in the beautiful lady than myself, which makes me a little jealous"

"Hahahahahahahahaha" Jane gave out a hearty laugh forgetting all about her problem for a moment.