More Than Meets The Eye

Chapter Fifty

"Jane you have to go out, it's been almost a week since you left Jeffery's house, and you have refused to leave the house"

"Amaka please leave me alone, I don't want to go out. Besides I don't want to risk running into any of those crazy bloggers"

"You think placing yourself under a house arrest is going to make any difference to them? They will still write about you if they want to, so please put something on because we are leaving this house"

"Amaka I can't, I can't go out, I don't want to, so please just leave me be"

"For the past one week you have done nothing but sit and mope around, you have practically turned into a zombie, when I leave for work I come back to find you in same position"

"No that's not true, I change positions" Jane said trying to defend herself.

"Oh really, like moving from one side of the bed to another abi?"