A Day Full Of Surprises

Chapter Fifty-Nine

"Alright Jeffery I will apologize to Jane, but please don't tell my husband, he mustn't hear about this please" Vivian pleaded.

"Who is talking about telling your husband? I'm actually thinking of what your opposing party will do, once they caught wind of this"

"No, no please don't do that I beg you, I know you are a good man Jeffery"

"now listen, I'm going to say this just once, you are going to apologize to Jane for the pain you have caused her, and you would stop making work unbearable for her, I know you have been doing that lately but it stops immediately!"

"Yes yes... I will be nicer to her I promise" Vivian was nodding rapidly as she spoke, who would have ever thought that the fearless Vivian could be this scared?