Mother And Daughter Feud

''Wait, is it that this Dele is confused, or he is just playing with you? Because I don't understand why he is so indecisive''

''He said, he is in a relationship and didn't want to cheat on his girlfriend'' Amaka was deeply hurt by Dele's actions, but she was done hating him. If he doesn't want to have anything serious with her, then that was his loss. She wasn't going to resent him anymore .

''Well he should have thought about that before having sex with you. after all, you were on your own when he kept pestering you. So much for righting his wrongs'' Jane scoffed.

''Jane it's fine, you don't have to be angry, it wasn't like he raped me or something, it was consensual. I didn't have sex with him because I wanted him to date me. So it's fine''

''Amaka, I'm really sorry. What can I do to help?''

''Can you fry me some potatoes?'' Amaka made a baby face as she spoke.