The Wait

Chapter Seventy-One

On their way to Dele's office, Black called his office and informed them about the situation of things and they swung into action of finding Jane Immediately.

When they arrived Dele's office, he was in a meeting so they had to wait a little while before he came out to meet them.

"Hello Amaka, this is sure a surprise visit" The moment he saw Amaka's bruises, he quickly went to her side. "Are you okay? Who did this to you?" He examined Amaka's face as he spoke. "Wait, did he do this to you?" Dele faced Black with an angry look on his face.

"I'm fine Dele, he didn't do any of these to me. We are here because we have something very important to tell you"

"What is that?" Dele asked looking confused.

"Good day sir, my name is agent Black" Black extended his hands to Dele for a handshake "I'm the bodyguard Mr. Jeffery assigned to protect Jane"