New Level Of Intimacy

Chapter Eighty-Four

''Wakey-wakey….. babe wake up, we have to get going in an hour's time'' Jeffery knelt beside Jane on the bed as he woke her up. ''I still want to sleep....'' Jane buried herself under the duvet. She was still tired from all the fun she had last night. After they arrived, Bosco their personal butler came to inform them, that there was a party going on at the hotel club later that evening. Which Jeffery and Jane later attended. Jane danced and drank so much her head started spinning. Jeffery had to carry her on his shoulders back to their suite when she wouldn't stop drinking, for he knew she was lightheaded.

Now she was suffering the consequences of her actions, for her head ached badly.

''Alright then, I guess I will just go on that boat cruise without you''

''what did you just say?'' Jane immediately uncovered herself.