What Will People Say

Chapter Ninety

"But how could that have happened? Who could be behind her kidnap this time?" Black asked.

"I don't know, if you say Timothy is truly dead, then I don't know who could have kidnapped them" Jeffery was clearly exhausted from all that is happening to him and his family.

Just this time yesterday, he was helping Jane and Amaka prepare for their get-together and now they have been kidnapped.

"I think you should inform the police sir, as I don't think this is linked to Mr. Okafor's son"

"Yeah, I will do that right away"

"Let me know if you need me"

"I will, thanks Black" immediately Jeffery ended the call with Black, he decided to call the police and report the case to them. Few minutes later the police were at his house to search for any trace of the kidnapper and also to take his statement and that of his housekeeper.

"I noticed you have a surveillance camera outside?" One of the Police officers asked.