Who Is The Real Enemy?

Chapter Ninety-seven

"Have you gone nuts or something? How can you say my housekeeper is behind my fiancée's kidnap? That woman is like a second mother to me, and she loves Jane just as much. I think it would have been better, if you told me you don't know who is behind the kidnap. Instead of telling me; my harmless housekeeper is behind it" Jeffery was already on his feet, looking down on short Mayor as he spoke.

"I think, you need to calm down Jeffery, let's hear why Mayor thinks your housekeeper is behind Jane's kidnap" Lauretha tried calming him down.

"No, I think you both just need to shut it already, is this your plan? To make me think someone else is involved, then I start chasing shadows? How am I sure, you aren't the kidnappers yourselves? For all I know, this could be your ploy to take Jane out of the picture just so, you and I could get back together!"