Jeffery To The Rescue

Chapter Hundred

Jeffery drove like a maniac, as Martha gave the directions to where they kept Jane. Dele had insisted he drove, but Jeffery wouldn't hear any of it.

The police van behind them, seemed to be keeping up with his driving pace too. They had called the police to inform them about the new development, and also for the police to accompany them, to help get Jane released.

"Jeffery please, reduce your speed. Or you are going to get us all killed" Lauretha pleaded as he kept driving at a very high speed.

Jeffery didn't reply her, instead he kept driving fast, his grip on the steering wheel tight, jaw set, teeth clenched, and eyes focused on the road.

"Just pray, nothing happens to Jane, because if anything should happen to her, I will make sure to kill you with my bare hands!" Jeffery threatened Martha who was seated at the back with Mayor and Dele.