Fight Back

Chapter 115

Jane had to read the result several times, before she could actually believe what was written in it. If Remi wasn't Jeffery's son, when then has Lauretha been trying to force Jeffery into marriage using the boy as a bait?

She needed to call and inform Jeffery about the results. But then she decided against it, this news would better be delivered in person. Besides she knows a part of him was already having a liking for the boy. She could tell from his voice, when she had called him last night, to ask how the dinner went.

Jane was still contemplating on what to do, when she heard a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" She asked, only Jeffery and the driver who brought her, knew this location, and she wasn't expecting Jeffery until the next one hour or two, he had already called to inform her, he was still at the office, as he had some work to finish up, before leaving. The person kept knocking on the door.