We Could Have This Too

Chapter 117

"Finally, here we are, together as a married couple, how did I get so lucky?" Jeffery had his forehead on Jane's. His hands were on her waist, while she had her own hands wrapped around his neck, as they had their first couple's dance. 

"To think, there was a time I felt this day was never going to come"

"I told you I would never give up on us, didn't I?'' Jeffery kissed her. ''So we get to finally open the cookie jar tonight?" Jeffery whispered into her ears.

"We will see about" Jane answered mischievously.

"What is that supposed to mean? Wasn't the deal to open it after the wedding?"

"Yeah, but I sort of changed my mind. But there's something that could actually make me change it back to our former agreement though"

"And what could that be?"

"Tell me where, we are going for our honeymoon"

"My ever smart Mrs. Ademola, I can see you are learning some tricks"

"What can I say? my husband is a good teacher"