To Love Or Not

Chapter 122

"Amaka are falling for this guy?" Jane asked in disbelief. They were having a celebratory dinner, for Jane's new car. And all Amaka has talked about, is her new boss.

"What do you mean by that? Of course not, how can I be falling for Pius?"

"I should be the one asking you that, because I don't understand how you have been talking about him all evening. And he is the singular reason, we are celebrating my new car, a month after I told you about it. And don't even come up with the excuse of you being very busy at the office, because we both know better."

"Have I?" Amaka has been trying her best not to think, or talk about Pius, but she has been doing quite the opposite. It's already been a month, since Pius became her new boss, and she also agreed to date Dele. But this past month, all she has thought about, was Pius and not about her boyfriend Dele.