Trying To Forgive

Jane was short of words, she didn't know how, or what to respond to Dele's question. If he was truly her blood brother, would she be asking Dele to take Amaka back? How would she have reacted?

"Dele, I'm sorry, but I just want you to think of what you felt, and have always felt for Amaka, I know deep down that you still love her, so please think of that love and forgive her, I beg you"

"It's not that easy Jane" Dele stood up from his chair, and went to the window. He stood there staring out the window, looking at nothing in particular.

"It's not that easy to just wipe out the image of her kissing that guy in my head, and just suddenly move on like nothing happened"

"Dele I know this is hard for you, but I need you to find a place in you heart to forgive Amaka"

"Jane, this is....I don't know" Dele looked like he could cry any minute.

"How about you agree to talk to her? hear what she has to say, at least that is the first step"