Found Out

The next day, Amaka got to her office, and was surprised to find a rose flower, and a box of chocolates, sitting nicely on her desk. She picked up the flower and smelt it, wondering who it came from.

she was still looking at the items, trying to figure out who they could be from, when Pius walked into her office. 

"Good morning Amaka" he had his hands in pant pockets, smiling at her. 

"Good morning sir" Amaka greeted him as she went to the other side of her desk, so she could put a distance between them. 

"Amaka I am very sorry for the way I behaved last time, my actions were totally out of line, please forgive me, I hope you like chocolates? because I got those for you"

"It's okay, but these are not necessary" She said referring to the box of chocolates, and rose flower.

"I'm sorry, don't you like chocolates? I could get you something else, I was just..."