Worst Fear

The next morning Jane woke up feeling gingered, and fired up to exercise. By 6am she was already dressed in her gym outfit. Jeffery who had no choice but to join her was dressing up as well.

"Jeff be fast now, I want us to exercise for at least two hours before you leave for work"

Jeffery who was putting on his running shoes, had to pause."babes you want to exercise for two hours straight?" He asked , laughing.

"What is funny? You had better wipe that smile off your face because I'm serious"

"All right, whatever you say, you are the boss" he raised his hands surrendering.

"That's more like it"

When he was done putting on his shoes, took out his body spray, and the moment he sprayed it, Jane moved away from him covering her nose.

"Babes are you okay?" Jeffery asked as he got closer to her.