Coming To Terms (2)

It's been two weeks since Dele got discharged from the hospital, and he has been getting better with his leg almost completely healed, the doctor asked that he use the crutches for one more week before he comes back to the hospital for a final check up. Amaka could swear Dele was almost running mad from using those crutches.

His family hasn't relented in their constant visits, and pampering. One would have thought that after two weeks, they were going to tune down a bit on their visits, but they didn't. Dele and Anita quarrel almost everytime she comes visiting, because of her constant way of always nagging him to eat, asking him not to walk around too much so he doesn't hurt his injured leg, while all Dele wants is to get better so by his next doctor's appointment, he would be fit so he can drop the crutches.