Doing The Needful

"Thank you so much for meeting with me Jane"

"It's fine Vivian, how have you been?"

Jane had reached out to Vivian asking that they met. Vivian had insisted on coming over to Jane's house to meet her.

Jane noticed she was really looking stressed when she walked into the house. Her eyes were looking more sullen, than the last time she had seen her.

"What can I offer you?"

"I would really appreciate a cold soft drink if you have that" she calmly requested.

"Sure, would you like a malt?"

"That would be great" she smiled.

Jane left to get Vivian her drink.

"You don't look good, how are you doing?" Jane asked Vivian as she placed the drink in front of her.

"Yeah uhm, I'm fine, thank you"

She took a sip of her drink. Jane kept looking at her, she could tell Vivian had a lot on her mind, and needed someone to talk to.

"How is your family?" Jane asked.

"They are fine"