Being A Man

As Jeffery got back to his house that evening, he was still in his car, when Jane came out from the house, to welcome him.

"How is my baby doing?" He was all smiles, as he came down from his car and hugged her, as much as her protruding belly would allow.

"I missed you" Jane said against his shirt.

"But I have only been gone a few hours" Jeffery said smiling, as he rubbed on her back.

"That's enough for me to almost run mad from missing you"

"You could have called me"

"I didn't want to disturb your fun with the boys" she still held on to him.

"I'm here now, so how is my baby doing?" He leaned back to look at her.

"Which of the baby, me or them?" She pointed at her tummy.

"You first, you are my number one baby" he caressed her left cheek.

"Awwwww, I'm okay now that you are here" she leaped and kissed him.

"And how are, our babies?" He rubbed on her tummy.

"They are fine too"