First Battle

On the ground and struggling to breathe, Kyle looked at this small five-man mercenary group. The guy with the Warhammer was huge, nearly 7' tall as far as he could tell.

He was wearing leather shorts, a large metallic helmet, and a bare chest. He was still holding his prized hammers while laughing at Kyle.

There was a thinner man holding a staff with a red gem wearing some kind of mystical robes. He was probably a mage or something.

A small man about 3' tall with very large feet was probably a thief. While a woman wearing medieval armor and carrying a sword and shield was likely a knight.

Finally, there was an elf wearing a green hunting outfit; standing on a nearby hill with arrows.

It looked like a pretty typical party of adventurers. The question was how Kyle could getaway, or get in a better position to attack.

It's not like he was never prepared for this kind of situation. He was involved in a lot of battle simulations in High School.

Usually, they ended because he couldn't control his strength. The aim of this exercise was to control his strength and take out the opponent.

Kyle rolled away from his position just as an arrow struck the spot he was just in. He clashed against the female knight as soon as he popped up.

Using his speed, Kyle was able to penetrate the defenses of the Knight.

He slipped behind the knight, who wasn't wearing her helmet for some reason and punched her in the head using his Rock Fist technique.

She was stunned by the strike which allowed Kyle to throw her at the mage who was charging an attack of some kind.

Kyle ran behind the Knight who was blocking the Mage's sight.

All he could see was his companion's body coming at him. He dodged out of the way of the knight, but right after retreating, Kyle appeared in front of him.

Before the Mage could react, Kyle took his staff away from him and punched him in the face.

He turned around just in time to block an incoming arrow. He was able to deflect the arrow because his dynamic vision saw things in slow motion.

Just as he was starting to feel good about his attack, the Warhammer guy hit Kyle in the back with his hammer and smashed him into a small hill. Once again, Kyle had the breath knocked out of him.

He pulled himself out of the hole in the hill and got back on his feet. He used his super-speed to dodge to the right. He was moving blindly because he didn't have time to look to see what was going on.

His dodge to the right happened to cause him to trample the hobbit thief who was running off with the mage's staff.

Kyle grabbed the staff and swung it wildly striking the head of the Warhammer guy. He hit him so hard not only did the staff break, the red gem in the staff exploded blasting the hammer guy away.

Kyle saw he wasn't moving on the ground and hoped he was only knocked out.

The thief was scrambling away from Kyle as he came running up behind the little guy. He grabbed the hobbit by the back of his pants and stopped, aimed, and launched the hobbit at the elf who was shooting the arrows at him.

Kyle was already hit by several arrows. They barely pierced his skin but they still hurt a lot. It was hard for him to get to the elf.

He decided to toss his comrade at the elf hoping the elf would do everything he could to save his friend.

Without paying too much attention to the elf and the hobbit; Kyle ran the knight who was slowly getting up. She was clutching her sword and was standing wobbly.

The Knight's shield was on the ground, so Kyle kicked the shield at the Knight as he continued right for her. She tried to use her sword to deflect the shield, but Kyle kicked it at a tricky angle.

The sword hit the shield but the force of the block forced the sword backward until she was smacked in the face by the flat part of the sword.

Kyle grabbed the sword and threw it toward a hill as hard as he could. The sword pierced through the hill and finally stopped somewhere towards the middle of the hill.

He grabbed the shield in one hand and blocked an incoming hammer strike. The shield absorbed the hammer's strike.

Kyle used the upper edge of the shield to smack upward into the big man's chin. He followed the shield strike by a side-kick. This time, it was the hammer guy who had his breath knocked out.

The hammer guy was stunned and Kyle didn't miss his chance to run up and throw several more punches at him.

He then grabbed one hammer and then the next out of the hammer guy's hands. He used the second hammer to smash the hammer guy in the head and finally knocked him out.

Kyle grabbed three of the team members and found ropes and chains in their bags of holding. He tied them up as good as he could and tried to find the hobbit and the elf. He couldn't find them anymore.

Now that he won, he found himself in a strange situation. On the one hand, he didn't want to kill, but on the other hand he was worried that if he left these guys alive They might come back and attack them later.

Kyle stripped all three of their robes and armor and only let them with nothing but their undergarments. He tied them together like the captured troops they were. He stored all of their gear in one of the bags of holding.

It was as he was walking them through the valley, he felt an arrow approached him. He grabbed the arrows out of the air