
Kyle reappeared in the cylinder room once more and walked out to find Gramps sitting there waiting.

"How long was I in there?" Kyle asked.

"About eight hours," Gramps responded with a bored voice.

"Well, I accomplished my second mission!" Kyle said with excitement.

"Yeah, so?" Gramps stopped looking at the wall and was now looking at Kyle.

"So, it's great! It was a lot of fun. I didn't realize my detective classes would be useful for the mission. I'm so stoked. I really enjoyed being a detective. I hope I get another mission like that,"

Kyle was very enthusiastic. Unfortunately, for him, the more enthusiastic he was the grumpier Gramps became.

"I guess you think you're hot stuff now? You've completed two easy missions and now you feel like a king." Gramps looked hard at Kyle.

"Let me tell you, something kid, you ain't much," Gramps words and expression threw cold water on Kyle. Gramps hurt his feelings.

Ok, so maybe it wasn't the most amazing thing ever, but it was the first time he ever won.

He spent years failing at everything he did and now; he finally won, why couldn't Gramps be happy for him?

"It's late, kid, why don't you get to your room and get some sleep. Tomorrow, things are going to get a lot harder."

Gramps disappeared from the room leaving Kyle depressed. He left the building and headed for the dorms. When he entered the dorms he needed some help finding his room.

Kyle came to his room and found a boy sitting at a desk studying. The boy was wearing black windbreaker pants and a red windbreaker jacket.

The boy turned his head when he heard the door open and watched Kyle come in.

It felt awkward at first, Kyle didn't know what to say, so he just started speaking.

"You must be Lemonjello, I'm Kyle Kane, it's nice to meet you," he said while smiling.

"I heard I got a new roommate. I thought I would have seen you in class, where 'ya been?" he asked.

"I was with Dr. Yu Wong. I have special training with him." Lemonjello was impressed and whistled at the information.

"Wow, special training with Dr. Mysterious," Lemonjello said.

"Dr. Mysterious?"

"Yeah, we call him Dr. Mysterious because he doesn't seem to do anything at the school, but he also seems to be the most important person here. What's he like?" Lemonjello asked.

"Grumpy," Kyle laughed. Lemonjello was also amused and laughed with him.

"That's your bed over there," he pointed at a bed without any bedding on it. Kyle nodded his thanks and pulled out some bedsheets from his bag and made the bed.

He was surprised at how tired he was. As soon as he laid down he fell asleep.

The next morning, Kyle found his roommate, Lemonjello, was already gone. He looked at the clock and it said 8:00 am. He was suddenly worried he was later for class.

Although, he wasn't sure where he was supposed to go. Should he go back to Gramps' building?

While he was wondering about that he already started getting ready. He took a shower, brushed his teeth, and left his room.

He was hungry so he found the cafeteria and hoped there would be some food left.

He was surprised to see Gramps sitting next to a wall with his arms crossed in the cafeteria. There wasn't anything in front of him, and his head was leaning against the wall with his eyes closed.

Walking in front of him, Kyle was about to speak when he was cut off.

"In the mornings, you come to the building and we'll train for eight hours every day. You need to be in the cylinder room by 7:00 am. The cafeteria is open from 5:30 am until 7:30 am.

You've already missed breakfast, but I've already prepared some food for you. You'll need your strength.

You aren't allowed to use your powers outside of our special training sessions. Your body still hasn't finished healing. I'll start each morning working on your body before sending you to train.

Have you looked at your new items?" Gramps asked Kyle as he finally opened his eyes to look at the boy.

"No," he said.

"Have you leveled up yet?" Gramps asked.

"No," he said.

"Did you practice your cultivation this morning?" Gramps asked.

"No," he said.

"Useless," Gramps wasn't happy and stood up.

Kyle followed behind him staring at the ground as he walked. He was very upset. Why was Gramps so cruel.

The pair arrived at Gramps' special building once more and went inside. In the cylinder room, a chair and a tv tray were set up with a bowl of cereal. The milk was already poured and the cereal was soggy while the milk was warm.

He looked at Gramps who used his eyes to indicate he should start eating.

"You slept in this morning and didn't even bother to set an alarm. Now, you have to eat soggy cereal with warm milk. Your time isn't more precious than my time," Gramps was in a foul mood this morning. Kyle couldn't figure out why he was so upset.

"Did I do something wrong, why are you mad at me?" Kyle asked as he ate the mushy cereal with warm milk. It was really disgusting.

"You haven't done anything wrong, I just don't like kids. Especially whiny kids who get excited over a little bit of success.

Maybe if I make you bleed a little you'll truly appreciate what an easy time you've had of things.

Kyle had nothing to say and quickly finished his breakfast. He went to the medical table and Gramps started treating him again like he did the previous day.

Once he was finished he had Kyle get into the cylinder. After activating it, Kyle's spirit body traveled to Miras and Star Tear Village.

Kyle opened his eyes and he was sitting on his bed just like he did the night before when he left. It was day, the early morning. Kyle wasn't sure how it worked.

It almost seemed like the time in this world past at about the same speed as in his world.

"Grandpa System on," Kyle said.

"What do 'ya need?" The system asked as if it were the grumpy Gramps.

"Why does it seem like the same amount of time has passed here as it has in my world?"

"Time realigns when you leave to something similar to Earth.

No more, chatting about useless things. Today, there are some people you need to meet."