Another Rajinn

If we look back to when Kyle and his team came out of the dungeon; we see the exit of his warp gate appear in the air inside of Rajinn.

The warp gate sucked a portion of Rajinn in and the remaining energy of Rajinn formed the body Kyle and the armies fought and pursued.

But what about the other portion of energy? Unknown to Kyle or anyone else; that portion of energy was transferred to the place in the dungeon Kyle and his team was.

That portion of energy also formed a body and the two portions naturally had a mental link. The second Rajinn observed the battle and understood the troubles he faced.

"I need to unite with my other body so that we can stabilize our body and wipe out these ants," Rajinn thought.

He slowly worked his way out of the ruins and hid among the rubble. The fate of his other body was known to him. He also knew Shadow Bow was coming to save his sister.

"This body isn't going to last; I need the power of my other body to stabilize it but it has been destroyed. I am weary of this life, but it is not time for me to rest," he thought to himself.

Rajinn sensed his medallion drawing near and knew that Shadow Bow was already working on saving his sister.

"I'll provide a distraction! When I rise again, all of these ants will regret it!" He roared inside as he launched out of his hiding place and began to attack the soldiers.

Everyone was caught off guard thinking the area was secured. When they saw that Rajinn was attacking them; they were even more surprised and worried.

Didn't Kantor just inform them that he and G-Hawk killed him? No one had time to ponder what was going on and did their best to take their positions and battle.

The second body was only a level 68, but his abilities and tricks were far beyond what they could handle. He was able to utilize the power that none of them understood.

The commanders and generals were flummoxed. Hearing the commotion, Sif came out to see what was happening. She saw the rampaging Rajinn.

"I have to help stop him," she said to herself. She finally found where her brother Rollins hid her pills and equipment. After taking some of her pills she was back at her top fighting form.

Sif put on her armor and was about to head out to fight when she noticed a note had fallen on the floor. It was from G-Hawk which made her smile immediately.

"Dear Sif, I know Rollins wants to keep you safe. I also know that you'll find your way to come help me or do whatever you need to. I've left a surprise for you in your armor. When you put the armor on; you'll find a formation. Place a little energy into it to activate your surprise. Yours Truly, G-Hawk."

"You left me something? Sif's armor was already on and she used her spirit energy to find the formation. She found it after a quick look.

Doing as he instructed, she focused a little energy into the formation. The armor glowed and the glow even extended to her weapons. Her cheeks flushed red a little and she smiled broadly.

"What have you done? I feel so strong! It's like I'm invincible!" Sif excitedly exited the medical tent and rushed to battle.

What did he do? He was perfectly capable of suppressing his power through formations; so couldn't he reverse the function of the formation and increase the power of someone?

This is exactly what he did to Siff's armor. He did it on the fly before rushing off in pursuit of Shadow Bow and Rajinn. It wasn't his best formation, but no one present could compete with it.

Rajinn was making a mess of the army and when Sif joined they were able to finally catch their breath and reorganize.

Sif didn't receive the special training from Master Khanda like Rollins and Kyle. Her brother helped guide her growth as a fighter.

Kyle even gave her some tips. She wasn't the best fighter yet, but she was the best fighter here. Thanks to the power-up Kyle gave her; she was even more confident about fighting.

Entering the battle, the soldiers recognized one of their strongest generals taking point. They gave her room and waited for orders.

Unfortunately for them, Sif wasn't a tactical person she was a fighter. She didn't really think about how to get people to help her. In group battles, she was always the person given orders.

Her brother, G-Hawk, and Hemler were always the team leaders. The title general recognized her strength more than her leadership ability.

From her perspective, why did she even need help? She felt like she was more than capable of fighting Rajinn alone.

The swift sword attacks she unleashed were hard for Rajinn to dodge. She was completely suppressing him with her fighting techniques.

"I've never been a fighter, little girl. That's why I create armies," a confident smile came over Rajinn's face. Sif couldn't figure out why he was suddenly so confident.

A sudden sword slash almost removed her head. Her battle experience developed a sixth sense and allowed her to dodge on instinct.

Sif jumped back when she saw a from coming out of her shadow. It wasn't just her; there were Shadow Warriors appearing all over the battlefield.

"At last, my most loyal army has arrived!" Rajinn rejoiced.

"Now, kill everyone here!" He commanded the army of shadows. The shadows' appearance already reaped the lives of many soldiers from the Rovan Army.

The ability level of these shadows ranged from 12 all the way to 70. The two generals of the army, a man and a woman, approached Rajinn to protect him.

Their levels were the highest on the battlefield. The man had a level of 81 while the woman had a level of 79.

"Now kill this little girl for me Shadow Generals," Rajinn commanded. The Generals lept forward to reap Sif's life. Sif's expression changed to one of terror.

"Oh no!"


It's a new week and we already have 18 power stones! Only 82 power stones to go for a bonus chapter!

Today's power stone heroes are: Abyss_Wolf458

Thank you all for your support! This book wouldn't be possible without you.
