The exam had finally been sent off to the Capital orphanage and questions of who could supervise the exam raised. All the while, two weeks had passed and through sleepless nights and sheer determination, Alexis had finally read through all the books.
Whether she actually took in any of it was a question only she could answer.
During these weeks, she had a surprising amount of visits from Joshua who interrupted her intense reading with strange demands, once he asked for a hair, another time for a drop of blood and another time to ask if she felt upset when people called her by her name.
There were other times, but they were the most memorable- Ah! No, there was the time he asked how frequently she had her period...
'God that was uncomfortable...'
But finally, with two weeks having passed, her lessons with Emilia would start and she could finally try to get some clues.
To escape that it.
If the Emperor can come to her world and bring her back to his in one piece, then she could find her way back. After the whole supporting an orphan thing she might just have finished her task.
A triumphed smile crawled up her face.
Yet, her smile was shattered by the image of the Emperor. She thought of his desolate dinner and frowned, wondering if it's always so lonely and uncomfortable.
"Ha... why do I care about the scumbag king?" She looked down at the room she was in. It was the same room but much more grander, Agathus came to tell her randomly that she couldn't get a better room because she wasn't nobility so they changed furniture and opened up the glass doors to the balcony. It was better than before, for reasons Alexis wasn't informed about.
"Miss Alexis?" Came Angela's voice from outside, "Master Agathus has summoned you".
Alexis sighed as she thought of the little green man who seemed to be on top of just about everything that happened in the palace. It was both admirable and suffocating. He was the reason Alexis had so
many sleepless nights.
"Coming." She left her room and ascended the treacherous stair case, huffing and puffing by the time she reached the seventh floor where his office happened to be.
She didn't bother knocking and just pushed the door open, "you called!" She gasped out as she reached the place. In front of her was Agathus and... Hector. She raised her head in surprise, "Hector! Hector Mainstar!" For some reason she felt really glad to see him.
"Yes Miss Alexis, how are you?" He tilted his head and his beautiful lilac hair fell over his left cheek.
"I'm great and I hope you're doing good?" She asked and received a lovely nod, "but why are you here?"
Agathus clicked his tongue at her lack of manners.
"Alexis I've told you! You can't speak so blatantly to nobility!" he grasped his head with a pained expression, "please forgive her Sir Mainstar, she's very insolent."
Alexis gasped as Hector just chuckled and said.
"I don't mind it."
"But Hectors my friend!" She said in indignation.
"No, Sir Hector is not your friend but your teacher, until Lady Emilia has returned from Dai" Alexis felt startled at this.
"Emilia lives in Dai? Isn't that a months journey from here?" She asked, but part of her was glad that she could see Hector. Something about him made her feel calmer, almost like they were actually friends. She couldn't help but wonder why?
"That's right, now that that's settled I'd like to propose that the two of you go and be Exam invigilators for the orphanage".
"What?" Alexis' eyes widened.
'But I wanted to laze around!' She groaned internally.
"I've already agreed to it Miss Alexis, so the answer lies with you" Hector gave another polite smile and Alexis sighed while glaring at the green men.
"Fine. But after this I want a vacation".
"Oh Miss Alexis, don't have such wishful thinking. The last thing you're here for is a vacation" something about the mans smile seemed almost vicious.
He was completely right though and for that reason Alexis didn't bother arguing back. She gave a sheepish smile to Hector who continued to politely smile at her.
"You seemed very excited to see me Miss Alexis? Do you have something you want to talk about?" He asked and Alexis grinned at that.
"Yes I do but I can't speak about it in the palace" she hushed down her voice and spoke softly, leaning in closer to him. She felt a strange feeling just then, one that consisted of two very different feelings.
At one side she felt like her body was replenished, her energy restored and at another side she felt a strong shudder when she realised a pair of sharp glared holes at her.
"Who are you?" She flinched at the familiar voice. She glanced over with tense shoulders at the tall, intimidating figure who leaned on the door frame sideways.
His beautiful figure was like a weapon that caused Alexis to stiffen up.
"I am Hector Mainstar", Hector gracefully spoke, "it's a pleasure to meet your acquaintance, your highness".
"Is that so? Why are you in my castle?" He turned his head with narrowed eyes.
"I've been instructed to be Miss Alexis' substitute teacher until Lady Emilia has returned", Hector continued to look unaffected by the stressful situation, or at least to Alexis he seemed that way.
"Oh then don't bother calling her Miss Alexis, call her Dirt, an order from me", Alexis fumed at his words. "Now, might I know what you were talking so secretively about" he leaned forwards.
Alexis couldn't help but feel slightly envious at the two beautiful faces before her and that neither of them belonged to her.
"No. You don't need to know" she scowled.
"Miss Alexis." Agathus threatened.
"It doesn't concern him."
"What happens in my palace always concerns me". He appeared like a flash behind Alexis, grasping her small shoulder with his hand, his finger frayed the skin of her neck, pressing onto it.
Alexis stiffened, feeling the obvious threat aimed at her. She sighed.
"I was telling him about how I wanted to see him very badly because I like the way his mana feels" she lied. She realised that everyone was very silent.
"You can feel his mana?" Asked Alastair with a tone of disbelief in his voice. Alexis couldn't see his face as he had been behind her.
"Interesting..." Hector and Alastair said this at the same time and threw each other a stare.
"Is it really?" She asked wishing she hadn't bothered lying.
"Oh it is Miss Alexis, that means I won't have to bother with the basic lessons" Hector gave a congratulatory clap, Alexis' face paled.
'Doesn't he know I'm lying? Maybe he's just playing along?'.
"Oh no, we shouldn't skip any lesson-"
"It would be good to skip any unnecessary lessons Dirt. We need you in top shape to protect the castle after all, and we need that as soon as possible". The Emperor gave a guillotine smile and Alexis' stomach dropped.