Chapter 11: The Beginning of Change

The seven new Hufflepuff's were quickly shepherded out of the great hall to stand at the brick wall in the schools main entry way as the other students continued to stream forward and up, or down, the three flights of stairs on their left.

"Alright you lot," Gabriel the prefect from earlier began with a smile. "You may be wondering just why it is that I have stopped you here and I will tell you this... Information. The other houses don't even bother to give their first years a quick run through on general locations and that, in my eyes, is a mistake. Believe me, I wish that one of the prefects in my first year would have done this but, since they didn't, I will. This will be a lot of help for you all tomorrow for classes.

"Across this chamber stands a doorway which will lead you to several empty classrooms as well as Filch's office and the staff lounge. The far staircase will lead you to the dungeons, the potions classroom and the Slytherin dormitories. Professor Snape's office is also down there but you can more than likely reach him through his classroom, one of the seventh year Ravenclaw's has come to the unanimously agreed upon conclusion that he has it warded. I recommend that you go down there only for emergencies at the moment.

"Now, the larger of the staircase is the main one which will lead you to not only all remaining classrooms, bar herbology, but also the library and the other two common rooms which are in two of the three towers, the other two being occupied by astronomy and divination.

"Last but by no means least is the stairway to not only our common room but also the kitchens. Now, follow me you lot," Gabriel finished with a grin as he made his way towards the nearest staircase leaving them to follow.

"Now, while we walk I would like to take this chance to dispel some myths on our wonderful house," Gabriel continued as he began to bravely walk backwards down the steps. "Most say that Hufflepuff's are the least clever, least brave and least impressive house to be in but I have found that that is, in fact, a myth. We may be the least boastful and most underestimated of all of the houses but I believe that that is what makes us the best.

"Just look at some of the amazing people who have come from our house! Grogan Stump, one of the most popular Ministers for Magic of all time was a Hufflepuff, as were the successful Ministers Artemesia Lufkin and Dugald McPhail. Then there's the world authority on magical creatures, Newt Scamander; Bridget Wenlock, the famous thirteenth-century Arithmancer who first discovered the magical properties of the number seven, and Hengist of Woodcroft, who founded the all-wizarding village of Hogsmeade, which lies very near Hogwarts School. Even the great Alastor 'Mad Eye' Moody, the most feared dark wizard catcher to have walked these halls! Ah, here we are!" He said as they drew to the end of the corridor.

On one side was a, rather large, still life painting of a bowl of fruit and on the other stood a nook with a pile of barrels.

"Now, these are the entrances to the kitchen and to our common rooms. Since I'm positive that Professor Sprout, our head of house, is waiting to give you all the welcome speech and make sure that you're settled in for bed I will leave the kitchens till tomorrow. Now, for entry to the common room all you have to do is this... Find this barrel, two from the bottom in the middle of the second row and tap it in the rhythm or 'Hel-ga Huff-le-puff', be careful though! If you tap the wrong pattern or lid you'll be drenched in vinegar. We're the only house with a repelling device as well. The other houses may boast about how 'secure' their common rooms are but they really aren't. Ravenclaw just makes you solve a riddle and the others need a password. Foolish if you ask me! In over a thousand years though, not one single person from another house has gained entry to the Hufflepuff common room! Anyways, I won't keep you any longer! Welcome, to the Den."

And with that Gabriel tapped the barrel and allowed the first years to climb through the short passageway that led to the common room where they were greeted by a squat grey haired woman with kind brown eyes and a motherly grin on her face.

"Hello dears," She practically cooed as they gathered before her and the older students who had decided to lounge about the common room itself tossed friendly greetings to their new members. "It is a true pleasure to have all of you in Hufflepuff! My name is Pomona Sprout, I am the head of this house as well as the herbology professor! I just wanted to welcome you all and let you know that several of our older members have volunteered to give you all an early tour of the classrooms once the schedules have been handed out so I recommend that you eat breakfast early so you can head out right after you get your schedules. Though, if you are running late any of our other members and the Friar are also willing to help you on your way. Now, I'm sure that you are all exhausted from your long day so I will leave it at that and will see you all later! Sweet dreams m'dears." She finished with another coo before she made her way back out of the room and Gabriel took her place with an amused grin.

"Sorry about that, she's in a bit of a hurry. There's a staff meeting starting in a few minutes but she always insists on welcoming our new members first. She's actually the one who brought most of these plants in for us, some sing, some dance, there's a few that I'm positive try to help with forgotten homework but they never get the answers right so I think they're her way of making sure we do ours. Anyways, this is the common room or, as we like to call it, the Den," He finished with an elegant sweep of his arm.

The room was utterly magnificent. It was rounded with a low ceiling and the peculiar feeling of basking in the sunshine on a lazy day. There were circular windows which gave a view of rippling green grass and colorful patches of wildflowers that they knew wasn't an actual view and that only added a sense of wonder to it all.

The room was decorated with burnished copper and an assortment of plants which hung from the ceiling and sat on the various windowsills and table tops. Clusters of overstuffed chairs and sofas were scattered about the room with black and yellow upholstery which seemed to only add another layer of soothing coziness to the room and Harry could definitely see why the other students had dubbed it the Den.

"Now, like she said I don't doubt that you're all tired so I'll let you all head off to bed. Ladies through the left, gentlemen the right. Your rooms are the first door after that. Have pleasant dreams and I shall see you in the morning."

Two rounded doors stood across the room which they now knew lead to the dormitories and upon seeing this door exhaustion seemed to crash down upon the young students who, with mumbled wishes for a pleasant night stumbled their way into their dorm.

Through the door on the right the four boys were relieved to see that their door was very close indeed as opposed to what Harry guessed was the seventh years' dormitory at the end of another hallway.

Entering their dorm Harry vaguely took note of how the copper lamps were casting a soothingly warm glow over the four-poster beds which were covered in plush patchwork quilts which looked like a cloud. Nor did he truly take note of the furnace in the center of the room which let off a mild heat or the copper bed warmers which were hanging on the walls.

The boys moved automatically as they pulled on their pajamas which had already been laid out at the bottom of the beds before climbing into them with one last tired 'good night'.

They were out before their heads had even touched the pillows...

With a soft hum of comfort Harry contentedly snuggled further into Charlies soft embrace. The bed was softer than usual and so were Charlies arms...

Opening his eyes groggily Harry blinked in confusion as his gaze fell upon nothing but a plush patchwork quilt before reality dawned on him. Oh yes, he was at Hogwarts.

Suppressing a sigh Harry sat up and looked around the room at the other occupants around him. Neville was asleep in the bed closest to his own, Scabbers' cage on his bedside table but Trevor somehow missing. They would need to place a tracking charm on that toad!

Ernie and Justin were also sleeping still though they themselves looked dead to the world as opposed to Neville who looked as though he were almost ready to wake up.

With a smile Harry stood and made his way down to the trunk at the end of his bed to retrieve his toiletries and uniform before he carefully padded across the room to where the bathroom lay.

Half an hour and one long soothing shower later and Harry walked back into the room and greeted a just waking Neville with a smile as he moved towards one of the desks and began a letter to Charlie. Harry wasn't planning on sending it out until friday of course but he just couldn't resist writing about everything so far.

He had new friends who seemed to really like him and the Den was just so cosy and Harry knew that Charlie had never seen it since he wasn't a Hufflepuff... Could Harry get a camera that would work? That would be nice, he could get pictures of his friends too!

Deciding that he would ask Charlie Harry quickly jotted it down and turned to greet Neville as he came out of the bathroom freshly showered and dressed.

"Morning Neville!" Harry chirped happily as he smiled at his friend.

"Morning Harry," Neville said with a smile of his own, "Do you think we should wake the others or just head on up to breakfast?"

Looking over at the two sleeping boys Harry couldn't help but laugh. Somehow during the time that Neville was taking a shower and Harry was writing Justin had done a complete 180 in his bed so that his head was where his feet had been and Ernie was now laying spread eagle sideways.

"I think," Harry said as he attempted to suppress his giggles, "That we try it once. I doubt they'll wake up though and they still have plenty of time before they really need to wake up. It's only seven and most people don't show up to breakfast until nine, or at least that's what Gabriel said to Susan at dinner yesterday."

With serious nods in each others' directions Harry and Neville walked to the space between the two beds before leaning over and trying to wake the other two boys up.

"Hey Justin," Harry said gently poking the other boy in the side, "Justin it's time to wake up." But still the other boy continued to slumber. With a smile Harry turned back toward Neville who had had less success.

"Well Harry we tried," Neville said with a chuckle.

As they went to move away from the two beds Harry suddenly felt a pair of thin arms wrap around his waist, with a gasp and eyes wide in terror Harry met Neville's shocked gaze just before he was pulled off of his feet and the world went into a spin...

"I'm serious Ced," Anthony said with a laugh, "Puddlemere United is going to win this year! Their line up is-" He cut off suddenly as a scream penetrated the previously calm atmosphere of the dormitory hallway.

Sharing a panicked look with his friend the two boys quickly raced the short distance to the first year boys' room and threw open the door before stopping in their tracks at the sight before them.

In the room were four boys, two already dressed in their uniforms and the other two still in their pajamas but that was not what stopped them. No what stopped them was the fact that one of the pajama clad students had effectively trapped a small raven haired boy who was dressed in his uniform under himself and was cuddling said boy like a teddy bear.

"Harry!" The other first years cried in shock, one rather groggily as though he had just woken up.

"Neville!" The small boy cried out in a muffle as his arms flailed, "Help!"

Still in shock the two third years rushed across the room to assist in the small boys rescue.

Once they had managed to pry the somehow still sleeping first year off of the small boy who was quick to scramble away from the bed.

Turning to address the young boy Cedric felt his breath catch.

This boy was gorgeous, his hair was mussed and his cheeks from being stuck under the other boy for so long and his clothing was thrown about in every which direction, his emerald eyes looking at them with a silent greeting as his plump rosy lips were stretched into a shy smile. This was Harry Potter and he was beautiful.

This was a first year Hufflepuff and Cedric vowed that he would be his! After all, it would be all too easy for the third year to make him like him, what wasn't there to like?

After a few moments of awkward silence in which the two older boys stared at him oddly Harry finally coughed, grabbed Neville's arm and made an excuse that wasn't all that fake about meeting their friends for breakfast before they quickly fled the room.

"Harry," Neville panted as they finally slowed once they had reached the top of the stairs leading to the main lobby, "What was that about?"

"I'm sorry Neville," Harry said with a blush as he leaned against the wall with a heavy blush, "I just didn't like the way they were looking at me is all."

"It was a little weird wasn't it?" Neville asked with a sly smirk as he grabbed Harry's hand and began to lead the smaller boy into the relatively empty great hall. "It looked like the tall one wanted to eat you!"

Harry looked at him with a look of pure horror before looking down at his stomach and back. When their eyes met again they both burst out laughing as they stumbled their way down the aisle to take their seats.

"Good morning you two," Gabriel said as he looked up from a book he had been reading, "Settling in well?"

"Yeah," Harry said as Neville just nodded at his side, "Had a little incident this morning but we're okay otherwise."

"What kind of incident?" Gabriel asked concerned causing Harry to blush and him to turn to Neville with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh nothing really," Neville said as he reached over and grabbed a slice of toast, "Justin just tried to use Harry as a teddy is all."

"Anyway!" Harry cut in quickly when Gabriel had begun to laugh uncontrollably. "I did have a question I wanted to ask you."

"What is it Harry?" Gabriel asked with an amused smile and a chuckle still in his voice.

"Well, are there any rules against sitting with your friends who are in other houses?"

"Well," He began as his brows scrunched together in thought, "There are no rules that say you can't sit at another table, people do it all the time in fact though usually not for the whole meal. I can't see a problem with it unless of course its a feast or the sorting so why not?"

"Thanks Gabriel," Harry and Neville chimed together happily before calling to Hermione who had just wandered in.

Severus Snape stared over the brim of his mug at the spectacle that was the Hufflepuff table.

He had to admit, if only privately and to himself, that the Potter boy was not what he had been expecting at all.

He had been expecting another James Potter, a spoiled and incompetent brat who was lazy and interested in nothing but himself and yet... This boy was different.

Not only was there that article that claimed his relatives had stolen from him and abused him, which Severus had thought was merely the child's attempt to spite his oh so generous caregivers whom he had believed had spoilt the precious Boy-Who-Lived, but now just looking at the boy Severus could not drum up the full brunt of his previous hatred.

Not only did the boy bear little resemblance to his father but Lily's features shone through in such obvious ways...

His kind smile and gentle mannerisms, while slightly different, practically screamed 'Lily'. His lean build and, more than anything, his bright shining emerald green eyes.

This was Lily's boy.

This was Lily's boy and Severus could finally feel the secret animosity, the bone deep hatred he had harbored all these years, begin to slowly leach from him.

As Harry's tinkling laughter rang out loud and clear through the mostly empty great hall Severus could feel his heart melt just that small bit as he quickly took a sip of his chilling coffee in an effort to hide his small smile. Judging by Minerva's choked gasp he hadn't been quite quick enough.

With a withering glare at his colleague and, however hesitant, friend before leaving in a signature swirl of black robes as he stalked from the room.

Breakfast had passed quickly filled with laughter and stares from all over the great hall as the four friends dined at the Hufflepuff table. At first they had merely thought that it was merely because of just who Harry was until that is, the whispers reached them.

"What are a Raven and a Lion doing with the 'Puffs?"

"Why aren't they at their own table?"

"What's going on?"

"Those are the four first years who cheered each other on during the sorting right?"

"I wonder how long they've been friends?"

That's how breakfast had passed with whispers and talking about their common rooms and heads of houses.

Professor Flitwick seemed to operate on a rewards based system and each member of Ravenclaw house up till third year were roomed with only one other person and third to seventh had single rooms. Each room filled with only the essentials and what the student had brought until they reached one of several academic standards and gained things such as the option to change the walls color, throw rugs and even a secondary enchanted window. Their head of house, Professor Flitwick was a short and rather quirky man who taught charms and held the title of dueling champion.

Gryffindor however was relatively laid back however. Their house seeming to be the epitome of laughter and fun, especially now that the twins were placed there. Professor McGonagall, their head of house was exceptionally busy what with her other roles of transfiguration teacher and deputy Headmistress. As such the duty of providing a welcome speech and seeing the new first years settled in fell to the prefects. Gryffindor's also roomed together much as Hufflepuff.

Once breakfast was finished having been filled with endless teasing from Harry on Ron being awake so early in a single minded effort to eat all of the food before the other students and Neville who teased Harry on the incident from earlier both Ron and Hermione were invited to join the Hufflepuff's for their tour of the school.

As their group made their way through the mostly empty halls the two seventh years, Kristen Lowell and Austin Kirsty, two lovebirds who many expected to marry soon after graduation, they made quick work on informing the first years of the many tricks which others did not learn until they were forced to experience them.

They learned that the location of portraits and suits of armor were not to be trusted seeing as they liked to wander around, to avoid the third step from the second landing of the main staircase, that you had to ask certain rooms for entrance politely as with the fourth floors rest rooms and that the castle had far too many unused classrooms.

However, their most important lesson came in the form of Mrs. Norris and a large assortment of small herb filled pouches provided to them by their very own Professor Sprout. The woman was a genius really.

After all, who else would have thought to provide catnip?