Chapter 7

Dear Diary,

Emily has been avoiding me lately. I wonder what's going on. She now spends time either reading 'Murder Most Unladylike' or writing something. So confused right now...

Anyways, I got the chance to participate in the national TV show!!! YAY!!!!!!!!! My onee-chan Noelle will do the main part with Luna. The song is what, Parallel World? Idk. Miss Cheng says I need to work hard in order to succeed. Being on TV is a big thing.

Should I ask Emily what's going on?

Your friend,


Natalie Ching


Natalie Ching almost finished writing in her diary, when the doorbell rang. 'Eh? Who's here? Noelle's friends?' She muttered to herself as she went down the stairs to the main entrance.

'We're the Hong Kong Police. Your sister, Noelle Ching Hei Yiu, is being suspected to have been involved in a murder case in SETS. Please call your sister out and we will take her to the police station so that we can detain her for 48 hours.' Two bearded men said. 'What? That is not true,' Natalie protested. Another member of the police department came forward. 'Noelle Ching is already at the police station. Let's go,' He said. 'O-Onee-chan... NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!' Natalie screamed.

Natalie Ching ran upstairs to her room. She thought of her friend Emily. Wait... Is Emily investigating this murder mystery by chance? She thought

'Hello, Miss Ching. Emily is in the bathroom. Please kindly wait in the bedroom.' Emily's maid, 惠安, Wei An/Hui An (Meaning kind peace) said. Natalie went up to Emily's bedroom and found some paper. What is this paper? On it read the words:

List of Suspects for Jessalyn's death:

1. Noelle Ching

Reason: She was the one who found Jessalyn's body. Maybe she killed Jessalyn before screaming? BTW, she's good as ventriloquism. Hmmmm. Idk...

2. Natalie Ching

Reason: She was not at school during the time of the murder. Maybe she used the 'going to school' excuse to hide what she had done? It's either Noelle alone or the sisters together. Natalie would not kill someone that easily.

3. Luna Wang

Reason: She clapped, applauded and cheered the loudest after the dead body was announced to be Jessalyn's. Maybe she killed Jessalyn? Natalie also stated that she and Noelle are good friends. Maybe she killed Jessalyn for her BFF?

4. Amelissa Lam

Reason: She was absent for the day. However, she's Jessalyn's best friend. How can a girl kill her best friend? Girls are usually bad at these things 'cause they often use heart and emotion often instead of truth and justice. I know because my mom told me that. She is a doctor. :) But, Idk.

5. Sarai Chang (Sarai means princess in Hebrew, I think)

Reason: She was absent that day too. But, Noelle has stated she has exam the day after the practice. However, no one has said that she was in her house of in the library that day. Maybe she didn't study, and used the excuse to kill Jessalyn? She hates Jessalyn like Noelle did.

6. Joanne 姐姐

Reason: She should be on duty that hour, but she was not. Only Sophia 姐姐 was there. She said, in the 'party', that she was eating lunch. But, was she? Killing a person? I have no idea what to write...

7. Miss Cheng, the dance instructor

Reason: According to Noelle, she approached Jessalyn's water bottle and praised it. For being 'very beautiful and shows Jessalyn's style completely' said Noelle Ching. Maybe she put some sleeping pill in Jessalyn's drink while she was admiring Jessalyn's water bottle?

8. 謝叔 (Uncle Tse), the janitor

Reason: He's the only one (except the teachers) to have a private room by himself. Plus, he's not on duty at the time of the murder. Where had he gone? Murdering?

Other students in the school: (who were attending the lesson & were not suspicious)

1. Isabella Cheung

2. Riley Tse

3. Avery (Ava) Yang

4. Grace Chiu

Written by Emily Chen Ka Ching, 陳嘉晴, Aged 9

So that's what Emily's been up to! She's been helping me all the time. 'N-Natalie?' A voice came. 'Emily, follow me. I need to see my sister,'

On the bus, Emily briefed her friend what was going on. 'Okay, so you think my sister didn't do it? Then who did?' 'Well, we're gonna find out,' Emily answered, smiling.

'Okay, I have a reasonable alibi for it.

I asked Miss Tana to let me go to the bathroom. She agreed, and I sped to the bathroom.

The classroom I am attending is very far away from the bathroom, and I need to pass by a long long corridor. I walked into the end of the corridor, and suddenly, I heard a noise coming from the bathroom. I ran as fast as my legs can carry me, and... you know what happened next. I saw Jessalyn's body, and the scream.' Noelle answered coolly when Natalie and Emily asked her what happened in the police station.

'Then, did you see anything suspicious in the bathroom?' Emily asked while taking notes. 'Ah! I did! I saw Joanne walking suspiciously with a small bag. I don't know what it contains, but she's acting all mysteriously. Is she hiding something?' Noelle asked. 'Well, we'll find out, that's it. Thanks, No—' 'Noelle Ching was not the murderer! We have found the murder weapon with a girls' fingerprint but not Noelle's. You are safe, Miss Ching.' A police officer said. 'Ah! I'm glad...' Noelle exclaimed. Emily nodded to her friend. 'May we know what is the murder weapon?' She asked, all politely and smiley. 'What a cute girl! Are you sure you won't have nightmares tonight?' The Police wondered. 'Well, Natalie and I are 11, but we're short for our age. And, we've been through a lot. We actually had our own detective society.' Emily said with a cross face. 'Umm.. okay?? Follow us,' A policeman said. 'What? You lied, girl.' Natalie started to say, but the twin-tailed girl shot her a wink and they hurried after the policemen who had already walking towards the meeting room.

-Time skip-

'The weapon is a 5 inch knife which was shot through the heart of the victim. It was found in Plover Cove Country Park. This is sold in a lot in retail stores, cooking shops and supermarkets. But, according to the price tag, this is sold in GoGo Groceries, Admiralty Store. We can check out the store and find out who bought it. Jessalyn's body showed no signs of fighting and protest, so it was a familiar person who had it. Also, signs of sleeping pills were shown in her stomach, that means the murderer killed Jessalyn while she was asleep.' The police are having a meeting to discuss Jessalyn's case. Emily and Natalie are invited to the meeting after the police found out Natalie Ching's father is Andrew Ching, a famous businessman and a renowned entrepreneur and Emily's uncle is the Coroner of the police station. 'So, Noelle Ching has stated that her opinion. According to her, Joanne Chang (I edited the name of the original person a bit. Charlotte should be...) was acting a bit unusual that day. She thinks that Joanne is the murderer. What do you think?' Emily asked.

'My sister's friend Luna Wang has also stated that Joanne was not on duty when the attacks happened. Her colleague, Keira (Charlotte should laughing so loud), said she was answering a phone in the general office. Thanks to Luna, who goes to SETS everyday, we have checked the phone records and proved Keira's words to be true. Also, since you said Jessalyn's murder took place when she was sleeping. We have asked Luna to question Jessalyn's best friend, Amelissa Lam. She told Luna that Jessalyn likes to drink coffee during break very much. May you please check if there's sleeping pills in Jessalyn's drink?' Natalie asked all smiley. 'Ya. We should question the suspects and gather their fingerprints.' The police replied while taking notes.

'Wait! I have a plan. It might be very uncomfortable to ask them as a policeman. Hey... You said you attend SETS, have you not? Are both of you attending the school?' A young boy asked. 'Alex! Stop minding adult's business! Your'e lucky to attend the case because your father is the Chief of the Station,' The police said. 'That's a great idea! Natalie attends the school, but I don't. Are you planning to do...' Emily started to say.

'Very well, then. You'll have to attend SETS as an undercover girl. You will have to attend SETS as a spy for the Hong Kong Police Force. Okay? Here's a card given by our boss. Use it well. You can enter our base using this card. Good luck, Ka Ching (Emily),' The police agreed.



-To be continued...