chapter 5

If Ian didn't want to play volleyball before, now he really had a reason not to. From his head down to his waist it hurt like hell, every part of his upper body burned and stung. It was the day where everyone who played an Olympic sport practised together. From volleyball, swimming, football, basketball, to tennis. It was a must to practice from today on forward. They had a week left till finals and Ian had to bring home a trophy, and how in the hell was he going to do that while his body ached.

He was just going to have to suck it up and deal with it. There was no other choice.

And that's what he did as he sat down in the rowdy gym and stretched. Every time he moved or twisted his torso during warm up he found himself hissing in pain constantly. The feeling was terrible it was shocking really.

Cutting and harming oneself felt numb, he couldn't feel anything. But Zvei made him feel pain. When was the last time he ever felt that?

Wasn't that what he wanted. No, Yes, Maybe?

But not in this way. Definitely not in this way.

This way was over fucking kill!

"Ian your up." A ruff loud voice called out drawing Ian's attention away from the gym's floor. He looks up to meet Mr. Lee's small nod that indicated *don't forget what we talked about.*

Of course he didn't forget. But in the first time of history he didn't want to go home. He wanted to go anywhere but home. Home wasn't even safe anymore. Home, in a very long time had become hell.... once again.

So hell yeah he was going to stay the whole practice time, he wasn't planning on leaving early to go home today. Or any other day anytime soon in the future. "Yes sir."

Ian stood up ignoring the pain the shot through his spine. The deep cuts on his back and stomach had been bothering him all day. But who cared. It was time to play.

He got into position inhaling then exhaling to calm himself. Only to feel the hair on his neck stick up. 'What in the hell?'

He looked around the gym to see if anyone was staring at him and he found no one. But the cold shiver down his spine said other wise.

It felt like he was thrown into a pot of boiling water. His hands started to sweat and he had to dry them on his cloths 3 times within a short time radius. He needed his hands not to sweat so he could grip the ball and hit it but no matter how many times he dried them they still remained moist.

His eyes roamed the gym one more time and still he saw no one. He shook his head telling himself constantly, to focus that he was just imagining things and that he really needed to get his head in the game.

Which he did so he closed his eyes inhaled again and slowly exhaled. Then opened his eyes and there was a shining light of excitement and challenge. Everything vanished into the back of his head the only thing in his mind was the game.

He threw the ball up his gaze following it and waiting to time the hit right. His eyes furrowed into intense slits, a second passing by before timing it right and jumping up into the air a mid cold smile appeared on his lips as he hit the ball with a huge amount of pressure.

The point was scored before anyone could move. Ian's serve had went over the net like a meteorite it's speed fast and dangerous. It was silent before everyone could realise what had happened their eyes shifting to Ian including the gym professor.

A big congratulating smile couldn't help but form on Mr. Lee's face. "That's what I expect from our black horse." He was smiling from ear to ear. "That was great if you keep up the practice your hit will past the speed of the 30 miles per our mark." He gave Ian a huge thumbs up. "Let's go again."

Ian nodded getting into the same stance as someone passed the ball back to him.

He threw the ball timed it then hit it. And the rest of the afternoon went the same way on repeat.

Through the whole 3 hours of practice Ian had forgot about his worries forgot about Zvei, forgot about his body's intense pain. Until the whistle blew signalling everyone to leave and he collapsed. His breathing was rigid and fast every move he made throughout the whole time of practice finally hit him. And he could barely move, his body was sweaty and exhausted. But he clenched his jaw his legs feeling a bit wobbly but he kept his balance, as he stood up grabbing his duffel bag.

He could feel warm liquid start to poor out of his skin. His wounds had reopened and he needed to get out of there in fast. He waved to his gym professor and dashed out of the gym before anyone could talk to him.

But surely Ian wasn't a fool. During the second half of practice he felt it again. Someone was watching him even more intensely then the first. So instead of going out the front where he could run into everyone or the back where he could get abducted which he rather not let happen again. He headed to the side exit door.

He carefully watched his back as he hid and ducked behind corners and headed straight to the swimming practice room to cut through and come out on the other side of the building. He jerked opened the entrance door and started walking to the exit up ahead. He notice everyone from the swim team were gone already, being that everything that was once out was put back in place and even the excess pool water on the side was cleaned and wiped dry. The moon light that seeped in through the roof seemed to send ripples through the pool water.

The sight was beautiful but of course he didn't stop. He may have flinched just slightly as he heard a loud sound that came from the door in front of him.

That same exact feeling came back again. The hairs on his whole body was standing up on end. 'Did he find me already?'

Ian looked at the door ahead of him the door he needed to go to that now seemed to be blocked. He had to go back. He slowly took a step backward and swiftly turned around to run only to bump into something firm and warm. His eyes shook hard with fright before his body reacted and leaped back away from the dangerous man but it was already to late.

He was grabbed by both arms and slammed back against the body that belong to no one but Zvei Willson. "Look at me." He ordered, his voice filled with anger. Ian carefully lifted his head up his body beginning to tremble in fright.

He could tell the Zvei was disappointed in him. But why? What the hell did he do now?

Zvei looked down at the fragile younger his eyes held no pity his gaze was blank, blank as a sheet of paper. Making it ten times harder for Ian to read his expression. Skyrocketing the smaller's anxiety through the roof. "You really tried to run from me." Ian gulped, he couldn't deny it he was caught red handed. "You really tried to leave without me. And to think I was proud of you earlier during your game."

'S-so, he was there!'

"I-I'm s...sorry." Ian's body began to tremble severely now than before seeing Zvei's gaze become dark. He was beyond scared.

The look within the raven haired eyes sent consistent shivers down his body. His blank stare was the last thing he saw as a small smirk crept upon Zvei's lips. And Ian was sent backwards into the swimming pool.


As he fell in he held his breath and swam back up to the top. Swimming wasn't a problem for him.

But it was now. It wasn't over just yet.

Zvei knew everything about him even the fact that he could swim and was on the swimming team back in high school before switching to volleyball.

So when Ian quickly swam up to the top his hair was gripped harshly and yanked upwardly to meet Zvei's lifeless eyes. Before being shoved back down under water.

Him? Drowning? A great swimmer was drowning right now at this very moment.

He splashed and threw his limps around but he couldn't do anything, the grip on his hair was just to strong as it kept his head shoved down under water. Seconds passed along with a minute or two when he began to feel light headed and close to passing out. Then and only then as if timed right was he lifted up to catch his breath.

He gasped heavily coughing and breathing hard, his throat was burning from the chemicals in the pool that went inside him.

"Those eyes." Zvei spoke, deeply staring at Ian with puzzled eyes, carefully searching for an answer to an unasked question. "Earlier I saw the way your eyes changed during the game. They became wicked. But..." he scowls to himself his eyes averting the younger's. "They still hold a lot of humanity."

Ian was now totally confused, what was he talking about? But before he could think about anything or really comprehend the words he heard. He was shoved back down under water again.

A bowl full of water rammed its way down Ian's throat stopping his breathing and drowning him quicker. And to think it couldn't get worse, to top it all off his limps finally gave away do to the pain. His wounds ripping fully opened. He screamed out but it couldn't be heard his voice muffled by water.

It wasn't long before he gave up and stopped trying his consciousness once again being pulled into the bitter darkness as everything became still and silent.

Then and only then did Zvei let go and watch Ian's bloody body sunk to the bottom, the inside of the pool was 8ft deep.

He stayed squatting down watching Ian's body sink father and father to the bottom until he finally decided to move. He didn't want his doll dying on him that quick. He just wanted to teach the smaller a lesson which he felt was now learned.

He took his shoes off and yanked off his jacket before diving into the water. He swiftly and effortlessly caught up with the younger before he met the bottom of the pool. He looked at Ian before slightly smiling and colliding his lips with the boys.

He shoves his tongue inside the small muscle moving around skilfully like a snake tasting every place within the small cavern. His hands snaking up Jimin's waist and travelling to the chest area his fingers lightly gliding over the nipples. As he began to let the air from inside him seep out into the younger's body.

Within a short time Ian began to blink his eyes again do to the sudden filling of air entering his lungs.

His eyes shot completely open seeing the cause of his sudden awakened consciousness.

Zvei was kissing him!

He shrieked wanting to swim backward but Zvei didn't allow him to as he felt his hair being grabbed again and his lips being slammed back into Zvei's.


His bottom lip had been harshly bit down on. Blood spilling out into the water.

He saw with his own eyes how Zvei's gaze turned horrifying at the sight of his blood. His eyes dark and lustful. But it only lasted within a split second before turning back into a blank stare. Both their lips being disconnected with each other.

He then felt himself being lifted up towards the top of the pool. His face breaking through the surface his lungs being filled with fresh air as he coughed up some water.

Zvei helped him up onto the edge of the pool before also lifting himself up out of the water and onto the edge. Both of them was completely soaking wet, he gazed down watching Ian's eyes fall close and his body once again falling asleep. This time not do to drowning but do to the immense pain his body felt and how much blood he was loosing yet again.

Zvei rolled his eyes taking his phone out and calling someone. "What a bothersome." he mumbled staring down at the pink haired boy.


When Ian woke up again he found himself chained to a familiar bed with white soft sheets and blankets. He lightly pulled his hands that were tied over his head only to feel the restraints tighten sharply.

He looks down seeing new clean clothes attached to his body. Did Zvei see him naked? Was the first thing he thought of and the mere thought of it was disturbing and disgusting to him.

Zvei could easily read Ian's mind which made him let out a low chuckle, drawing the younger's attention to him. "One of the maids changed you. I didn't see anything so don't you worry yourself doll."

He lets out a sigh of relieve but then his expression scrunches up into confusion. Maid?

Oh right. Zvei was rich, and he was once here before. So if he yelled for help would they come and help him?

"No." Ian's jerk in surprise his gaze meeting Zvei dark eyes. 'Did I say my thoughts out loud?'

"No you didn't." He shook his head slightly. "Your just very easy to read." Ian stayed silent watching Zvei walk from the door to the the bed. "Yelling for help or asking the maids to call the police is utterly useless. They get paid too much by my father for them to even have a conscious. They do what they are told by us, nothing more."


"Don't read to much into it. Just know that as long as your in my grasp no one will help you."

Ian twisted his body left and right his hands pulling tightly on his restraints. "Let me go you crazy motherfucker!" His mind drifted into a frenzy. No one was going to help him. Fuck that he'll help himself. "Take these off of me!"

Zvei's eyes sparked with fire. "You're being very demanding suddenly." He crawls on top of the bed and hovers over the smaller his eyes burning intensely. He traces a gently hand down Ian's face. "You never fail to entertain me my little snowball."

"Fuck you!" Ian glared. "Let me go."

He shrugged. "I don't get what the big hassle is it's just chains. It could've been way worse. I could of used my thorn rope made of glass and have it impale you from the inside out puncturing every blood vessel in your arms and legs. Or you could stop being dammit fussy about everything and enjoy the chains. Besides they're only here so you won't escape from me. Then again that doesn't seem so bad after all. It would make a great game to play."

'He thinks my life is a game, that I shouldn't make a fuss about it.....He was bat shit crazy! Freaking bunkers!'

Why, just why didn't he go straight home. Why in the hell did he have to detour that night. Ian regretted that whole day. It was as if someone had hexed him or something. For what ever damn reason.

Zvei was starting to become annoyed with the constant twisting and turning. He was getting tired just by looking at the younger who was surprisingly filled with energy. He wrapped a hand around the boys neck tilting it upwards as he began to squeeze his grip creating enough pressure to cut off Ian's voice, the bedroom was now silent.

Ian yelped, inwardly screaming as terror started to take over him once again as his eyes looked up and met a pair of cold sickening orbs.

Zvei stayed quiet, bending his face down to meet with the Ian's. Their faces were only half an inch away from one another both of them breathing the same air from each other. The Zvei became mesmerised by the boy's beautiful looks. A sparkling gem is what the Ian was. His eyes travelled down from Ian's cotton candy hair to his light brown pretty eyes which glistened with tears of pain. That glided down his rosy cheeks and button nose to his plumped pink lips. That looked very appetising.

Zvei stared at the two small cushions of softness then licked them, biting the button lip before entering his tongue. Surprisingly he didn't feel any resistance from Ian which made him smile into the kiss. He dominated the others tongue within seconds and twisted the two muscles together, pulling and tugging softly as he bit the tip of both his and Ian's tongue. Creating a loud muffled hissed from below him. He began to bite harder sucking and tasting the iron liquid within their mouths the kiss turning slightly aggressive. He continued to kiss the younger his tongue exploring every exposed part within the cavern.

Their lips finally disconnected, both of them breathing heavily to catch their breath. But it wasn't over as Zvei pecked the Ian's lips painting it red with blood before nicking the bottom with his sharp teeth reopening earlier's wound from the pool.

Ian yelled causing the strong grip on his neck to tighten making him let out a small low moan.

'What in the hell? Did I just- What the fuck?!'

Though Ian became embarrassed and disgusted with himself there was one person who loved that small sound. It was no but Zvei who wanted to hear more of it.

He brushes a trail of blood kisses from Ian's lips to his neck. His teeth now nibbling under the younger's jaw bone. The sudden touch of wet warmness in that spot sent a jolt of electricity through the smaller's body straight down to his private part.

Seeing this Zvei knew he hit the jackpot as he started to twirl his tongue over that spot again and again.

No. No. No. Ian definitely didn't like where this was going. He wanted the elder off him no matter what. He yanked his arms down continuously hearing the chains rattle with great force. He wanted off this bed and he wanted off it now.

But as the saying goes. We can't always get what we want. And that's exactly what happened.

Zvei took his free left hand grabbed Ian's small hands by their risk and held them down against the bed. His grip was like an iron latch that continued to fasten as time went by. Bruising the flesh around the bone.

He had moaned again.

This time the sound was slightly muffled do to him biting his own lip. He was swept between the feeling of pain and pleasure. It was safe to say that he liked it. He liked it a lot. Which made him feel disgusted and shamed of himself, his tears falling faster down his cheeks. He hated himself for being weak and he hated the person that was in front of him that made him feel weak. That made him feel in general.

Zvei giggled letting both grips go and lifting up to see Ian's teary eyes. "You should be more responsive, the sounds you make are pretty." He shrugs. "But I'm not in a rush you'll soon give in..... I'm going to let you go now. But you can't do anything stupid got it." He warned reaching in his pocket, pulling out a medium golden key and stuck it in the metal lock easily turning it and letting the younger loose.

Ian lay's on the bed watching Zvei remove himself from on top of him. He sits up seeing the the raven male leave out the door before he got up off the bed and dashed toward the bathroom. He looked through the cabinets for anything sharp anything that could end it all for him.

And he found it. A shaving razor he picked it up finding a clear space on his left arm and began to cut. This time he started to cut deeply on top of his veins hoping to puncture a blood vessel and easily bleed to death. He had already cut himself three times before he heard heavy footsteps entering the room.

He ignored it and began to cut himself deeply on a vein but couldn't finish as a great force of power kicked his back sending him head first into the glass mirror then being tossed to the tub hitting his head on the side of the hard porcelain object.

The impact knocking him dizzy as he found it hard to see or here as he looked up towards the dark silhouette in front of him.

The voice was raging with murderous intent. "I set you free and you try and kill yourself." He shouted yanking Ian's face close to his. "You didn't even try to escape you headed straight to the bathroom to kill yourself." He laughed heartily. "Should I put a straight jacket on you? I'm pretty fucking tempted to do so snowball.""

Blood trickled down Ian's face seeping into his eyes. "P-p...le...ase l-et..... g...g-go."

"I can't do that." Zvei shook his head. "Even if I wanted to I've grown to like you too much for me to get rid of you. Your mine and mine alone to the day you fucking die. So be a good toy and stop trying to dammit kill yourself doll!" He frowned sadly. "I don't wanna go back to feeling bored again. We just started having fun with one another."

Fun? Zvei was sounding like an whole lunatic. He sounded completely and utterly insane.

Fun? This wasn't fun!

To Be Continued....