Something Is Coming


It's currently July. After our meeting with my parents on their anniversary, me and Seonghwa we keep meeting my parents here and there cause they seem to like him quite a lot. During this while I've been on an off from school to prepare for my debut with my group to which I'm really excited about.

To a huge shocker for me was that during this whole while everything has been really good and everyone has been really happy. I'm so happy that for the first time in my life everything is turning out really good and I can't help but feel anymore happiness.

But you know before a storm there's always a wave of silence and this was that wave of silence. I hope I knew that my happiness would be taken away from me. But you know that nobody knows what's gonna happen in the future. So I also didn't knew about it!


I'm supper happy that I couldn't sleep tonight cause for the first time my picture will be released with my group. Actually technically not my face but yes a clue about a hidden member is gonna be dropped. As we are 7 members but only 6 were revealed and in the picture that's gonna be released will have 7 silhouette. I'm so excited to see what people will think about it. I'm nervous yet excited. I just feel like my life is finally in place and I couldn't be anymore happy about it!

I was just lost in my thoughts that I didn't notice my phone has been all this while. I looked at screen and a smile just crept it's way onto my face knowing someone has been missing me quite a lot cause I couldn't make time for them as I have been really busy with the debut under work and my reveal as well, so I've been stressed a lot but this person just makes me forget everything.

I quickly picked up my phone and said in my ever so cheerful voice.

Y/N : "Looks like someone has been missing me quite a lot recently! Isn't it so?!"

Seonghwa : "Yeah! I've been missing someone a lot recently."

I don't know why but his voice seemed a but off than usual. Like whenever he talks with me he's really cheerful and happy but I don't know why but he seems like he's really sad and I don't know maybe guilt of something.

Y/N : "Oppa! Are you OK?! Your voice seems a little bit off than usual. Are you OK?!"

He took a moment to answer and said.

Seonghwa : "OH! Nothing Jagiya, you know comeback is coming so I've been working on it. I must have over worked my vocal cords that's why it must've sound off."

Y/N : "Are you sure Oppa?!"

Seonghwa : "Yeah! I'm sure, don't stress about it, I'm fine you should focus more on your reveal and debut. Now it will be so difficult to meet you."

Y/N : "Why would it be?! I may become famous but I'll never forget about a dorky guy namely Park Seonghwa who loves me a lot and cares for me, who promised my parents that he'll take care of me. He won't let me be unhappy or sad. He'll always make me happy. I love him a lot to forget him so easily."

I laughed as well as Oppa but I don't know why but his laugh seemed really saddening like he's trying to hide his sadness or just to make me happy. But I just shrugged it off as I thought it would be his vocals.

Seonghwa : "Jagiya!"

He said that so sweetly that I'll melt right here and right now!

Y/N : "Hmm!"

Seonghwa : "I LOVE YOU~~~~"

I just smiled knowing that this dork loves me so much, my dork.

Y/N : "I love you tooo!!!"

Seonghwa : "Jagiya you should sleep now. You need rest for tomorrow, you need to rehearse as well."

Y/N : "Yeah I should! Good Night!"

Seonghwa : " Jagiya just remember that whatever happens this dork will always love you with all his heart. Whatever happens in the future just remember that the person I love was you, is you and will always remember you. I may not be there in person but I'll always be there with you. Just know that!"

Y/N : "Oppa are you OK?! Why are you saying all of this so suddenly!"

Seonghwa : "Nothing! Everything is fine but I just wanted to let you know that. Now go to sleep and Good night! I Love You!"

Y/N : "I Wuw you too! Good night!!!"

I heard his chuckle and disconnected the call and went to sleep.


I just woke up because of all the chaos going on downstairs. So I just went towards the bathroom to freshen up and go downstairs for breakfast.

After doing so I went downstairs to the dinning area to see really good food cooked and kept on the table but what shook me was that everyone was just sitting there and was now looking at me like they just saw a ghost. That's weird cause it's my first time seeing them react like this.

Y/N : "Are you all OK?! Why staring at me like that?!"

Ae-ha : "Oh! We're fine we just got shocked that you woke up so early than your usual time."

Y/N : "I just woke because of all the noise you were creating. But unnie can I get my food I'm really hungry."

Ae-ha : "Oh yeah! Here you go, your pancakes and juice!"

I took my food and started eating and all of them joined me. I was eating that I remembered that today is the big day, so I quickly opened my phone to see the headlines for today. I was pretty sure that there will be at least one article about cause knowing it was Big Hit's new girl group I was pretty sure there is gonna be a commotion but I was shocked cause there wasn't a single news about it but about something, that seems like was everywhere so I opened it so see something that made me super shook that I dropped my phone.

Y/N : "It can't be! It must be a lie! It must be a fake!"