My Life Is Messed Up

The showcase ended without any problems and all us were super happy about it cause who won't be.

Ae-ha : "Girls it was great. Now we just need to work hard and we'll achieve our goal."

Sera : "Yes we will!!!"

Y/N : "Yeah we will cause we're Love Crew!!!" (Sarang means Love in Korean so another name of the group is Love Crew as well)

All of us cheered and started getting changed to go back home cause let's be honest it was awesome but also tiring cause we performed 6 songs, it's tiring but still awesome.

As most of us were done changing our main manager Oppa came in.

Manager Oppa : "You girls were awesome there on stage. Some articles were published online and all of them were postive. Now let's work hard on our promotions but before that let's get you all home so you can rest so that you can work even harder. C'mon who all are changed head to the cars and the other's hurry up and change."

Y/N : "Yes we will but you Oppa just calm down, don't stress. Since I'm the only one I'll head to the car."

Yoonji : "Yeah, you go ahead it'll take this Sera girl sometime to get out of this dress."

I chuckled at her statement and made my way out with my backpack.

I was on the elevator that'll lead me to the parking lot where our van is at. As I was the only one I was humming a song and just checking my phone which was flooded with messages congratulating me for my debut and telling me that our debut showcase was awesome. It was from all the people I know but mainly from my eomma who seems to be my biggest fan that I'll ever get. She's so happy about it and seeing her message just brought a smile on my face. Soon I reached the basement and the elevator door opened notifying me about it.

I kept my phone inside my back and looked back up only to see the face that I wanted to see as well didn't wanted to see at all. It was none other than...

Park Seonghwa

I would be lying if I say I didn't miss him at all. We didn't talk or even see his face after our break-up. Seeing his face just made me wanna cry out loud and go hug him so bad but I controlled myself.

His face was just the same, I know how hard it is for me to control but what can I do, our destiny has brought us here. I brought myself back to earth for the realisation to set in that he's not mine anymore.

I just bowed to him to show respect because he's my senior and the media is present here and I don't want any controversy cause it'll affect the members as well which I don't want at all.

I left from there to go towards our van but his face didn't left my mind. His face showed something different, it didn't show disgust or anger but a sadness that was confusing for me but not as well. I know one thing that for me to achieve my goal I need to be strong but his face is just making it super hard. Gosh please don't make me weak when I need to my strongest.


I was here at a studio for a shoot of an interview with my members. All the members were just goofing around.

Wooyoung : "And then San hugged his favorite pink bear plushie, and also started kissing it like it was a girl."

San : "Yah! Wooyoung just let it go. And don't pretend like you don't have an embarrassing memories. He always calls his mom before going to sleep so that he can hear her sing him a lullaby."

Everyone just laughed really hard on it, cause this duo are revealing their own embarrassing moments.

We were on our way to the elevator but we saw so many journalists and camera's which was a first for us, seeing these many at one place that is not an award show was truly new for us.

Wooyoung : "Leave that aside, why are their so many cameras and journalists here?! I'm pretty sure they are not here for us. Who are they here so Manager-hyung?!"

Manager : "Oh them! They are here to cover some group's debut showcase, that's being held here only!"

Jongho : "It looks like there is an award show rather than a debut showcase!"

San : "Yeah same! I also thought the same thing. Seems like that group is truly really big."

Manager : "Of course it is. Why wouldn't it be, it's BTS's company Big Hit Entertainment's first girl group after BTS's debut showcase. Oh what was the name!!! Oh yeah S-Crew! They are so immensely popular, no joke about it!"

That statement just made me halt my actions for a minute. It's Jagi's group, she is finally completing her dream. Oh right she's not my Jagi anymore. She's now just S-Crew's Y/N now. I know how bad I miss her. I know what I went through this whole time and I can't even imagine what she went through. I know how bad I missed her. But I know why I did it and now there's no turning point.

We were waiting for the elevator to come and soon it did arrive but something happened that made me just out of words and actions.

When the elevator door opened I finally saw the face I've been dying to see for the longest while.

The face that I can stare at for days...

The eyes that makes me lost in them...

The nose that I loved to boop...

The cheeks that's I loved to pinch and hold...

The hair that I loved to caress...

The lips that I loved to kiss...

The body that I loved to embrace and give my warmth to...

And the person that was, that is and that will be my lifeline...

The reason I wanted

To live for...

To work hard for...

To be my best for...

To be the everything she deserved...

Choi Y/N...

I really missed you but what can I do...

I had no choice, to make sure you're safe I had to do it but I know how bad I'm missing you.

I'm sorry Y/N

I'm sorry Jagi