Yin & Yang (Part 2)

Girls are like Mercury

Unstable in large groups and

Unstable in small groups too

Small doses can drive you mad as the hatter

While more can leave you bird box crazy

The only known cures

Are chocolate, affection

Two armed hugs that squeeze you tight

And cute fluffy plushies

But what really makes their hearts melt

Is someone to both love and be loved by

Someone who has had their ion them for awhile

And won't take them for granite

Showering them with the attention of π (never ending)

A person who would give anything to be their T-Cells

Protecting them from anything and everything

Does your heart's luminosity increase when she is around?

Would you make her your number 1 on the periodic table?

Believe she is the square root of -1 and can't possibly be real,

Or that she must be a red blood cell herself

Since she takes all of the oxygen from your lungs

And brings it to your heart like 'Kyun Kyun'?

If you treat them with the devotion of Oxygen and Neon

She will definitely be the ONE for you

If she asks if you prefer

Copper and Tellurium, or Flerovium

Show her the question is obviously the square root of 2 (irrational)

Because she is both CUTE and Sodium FINE

Approach her with the familiarity of a classmate

And swear up and down

That your fate must be bonded

Because you guys definitely have chemistry together

Without her you are as unstable as the Francium element