Separated By Choice

I'm still waiting for you

My beloved, lost kin

I was once your favorite

Tainted by misery to leave

Pain dripping through us

A sieve of time leaking

It hurts, oh it hurts

But I have learned to

Eventually, live with it

You pieced yourself together

And I'm waiting for the last stitches

To garner our paths side by side

Once again, to our forgotten comradie

I have risen to build an empire

In your desolate absence

And I have caught wind that

You too have risen above the mire

What need have I an entire kingdom

If I cannot meet you but in memory?

So long as I shall breathe

I vow to reign evermore as Queen

My subjects will spread across the lands

Reaching even to the corners

You bide your time amongst

By this decree, you will catch word

Of whispers in the dark

That boast of a faint familiarity

Nagging at your subconsciousness

Refusing to let you forget me entirely

I am willing to wait centuries if needed

Pride is of no consequence

Scars are more than alright

A warriors' welcome awaits you

For the moment when you return

The day you lost yours, was the day I lost two

My world crashed and burned yet again

So soon after I stood strong for my people

The news broke me but no one can claim that visage

You alone, were allowed entrance

Because you above all others deserved that right

I will not touch what doesn't belong to me

But I will share anything that helps another

The burden of a lost soul or the burdens

Of the remaining ones left behind

Even the skewed allotment of attachment

To what's 'better off forgotten'

What claim could I make to my throne

If I couldn't even support my loyal subjects?

You mirrored what I wouldn't say for their sakes

And now I'm waiting for your reflection to face mine

I'm leaving my mark on this world in hopes

That you will stumble across it one day

I still don't want any comfort, I'm doing ok

No one should worry, because my life has a purpose

All I wanted then, and still seek out now

Is someone who would simply understand

And you, my kin, did that more than anybody else around

I know you have kin of your own to defend

And the possibility of me ever returning

To be a part of that are slim to none

You chose to shut me out, and I wouldn't change that for the world

Painful reminders are best left to the past

But I won't accept defeat that easily

I continue to grow and cultivate my followers

So that one day your gaze will have no choice

But to see the me of here and now

Something along those lines at least

Our minds may hold the sadness of the past

Recognizing the bits of each other we long to let go of

The broken pieces we still remember letting loose

I could be persistent and eventually win you back

We were close once, but when we were weakest

We abandoned each other and all communication

Though that would solve but little

Some people need to completely start over

When their entire worlds shatter as ours did

I gave you my last send off because I understood

As long as you remain healthy, doing better

I allowed myself to utter that goodbye

Kin is just as important from one to the next

Our kingdoms deserve our full attention

Anything more than tribute will become a hindrance

For us... For you... I know how fragile you still were

I would never put myself above your happiness

If the past searches you out, it will cause nothing but pain

As long as you can smile and laugh

These thoughts haven't gone to waste

I would never sleep again if I ruined that chance

I just cuddle my inner strength and hold on to my dream

I will see you again, on your turf

You will have finally sighted my mark

Just know that I will not chase you, my kin

Waiting for you to face me is enough for now

Losing someone this special hurts

So I don't plan to do that twice

It may be from afar

Or in close range that you appear

But one day we will be able to

Meet each other's eyes and smile for real

Turning to walk away without any regrets