After The Ending of The Beginning

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Black holes.

And Universes.

Sora saw many things as he drifted through space aimlessly.

It's been many weeks since Sora had left his body in order to find a method to keep it from destroying itself.

As time passed and Sora drifted further away from his body, the connection between both body and soul began to thin.

In order to keep the connection there, Sora had to make an imprint on his soul and take the Deified: Butterfly Taichi Sutra Geno Armor from his body and leave it inside the Realm of the Violet Jade Immortal. For insurance, Sora even went as far as to take the Realm of the Violet Jade Immortal and plant it inside his soul.

During the process, Sora had to close up the levels he had opened in both the Realm of the Violet Jade Immortal and the Yin Yang Image in his Consciousness. Reason being that his future body won't be able to handle the pure and abundant spiritual energy as well as the Qi within the Realm of the Violet Jade Immortal.

With his connection to his body resolved for when he's strong enough to return and fix his body, Sora continues to aimlessly travel through space.

Months passed, yet hours only passed for Sora's body.

It wasn't long before Sora's soul drifted over to a black hole and was sucked into it.

Regaining consciousness as his soul was being pulled along the current of space and existence itself, Sora's soul was thrown into an obscure and powerful universe.

No one could enter and none could exit, a powerful seal had been placed on the world.

As far as Sora could see, he could see planets, people, and beasts leave the same black hole and fall onto the sealed universe, instantly disintegrating.

Sora frowned and quickly began to study the seal as he rapidly fell to the universe.

Making use of the blind spots in the seal, Sora's soul slipped right through and into this unknown universe he went.

The instant Sora's Soul passed by the seal, the seal itself churned and moved as if it was alive. It quickly covered it's blind spots, evolving to become a stronger wall that keeps the outside and inside separated.

Sora's soul entered the universe and ripples formed as they crossed the entire universe before making its way back to Sora's soul.

'This universe…'

The ripples seemed to have brought Sora some general information about the universe he had enter and what they brought back astounded him.

'Genes! Exactly what I need to fix my disintegrating body,' thought Sora as he looked through the info brought back by the ripples.

In this universe there are many ways to strengthen one's genes, but the most prominent one was a method created by Crystallizers, a form of ancient humans so to speak.

The method these Crystallizers made was to eat beasts and nourish one's own genes like that.

However, this method can only be done by 'modern' humans.

What was once a small tribe of humans created by the Crystallizers through many experiments and combining various genes from many beasts, both strong and weak. The largest percentage of genes in the bodies of the humans was the Crystallizers, giving them their 'human' looks.

However, because of this very experimentation of the Crystallizers, the genes of the humans are very unbalanced and chaotic. A slight change in the genes can cause a person to die and explode.

It was because of these unbalanced and chaotic genes that allowed the humans to grow strong through eating beasts and strengthening their genes.

The humans themselves didn't know much about Crystallizers or their unbalanced and chaotic genes.

The humans only knew that the Crystallizers are an old and ancient race that is very far ahead of them in technology and knowledge, as well as extinct.

The Crystallizers had made use of sanctuaries, as testing grounds and a way to strengthen themselves so that they could face the unknown dangers outside of the sanctuaries.

Now, the humans have expanded and United into one government, the Alliance. They traveled the universe and eventually their technology advanced far enough for them to create teleporters.

However, instead of being displaced in time or being teleported to another world or point in space, they were teleported into God's Sanctuary.

Where various beasts and beings created by Crystallizers resided, all for the purpose of being safeguarded in the sanctuaries and for purposes outside of the sanctuaries.

The humans were weak when they entered the sanctuaries, they came across various creatures, all having terrifying strengths that could single handedly kill them and end the human race if it wasn't for their firearms and nuclear weapons.

However, in the sanctuaries nothing mechanical or technological worked there. No firearms or nukes would work.

Guns were not as effective as steel knives on the beasts, rendering them useless in the sanctuaries.

Both science and technology fell and became non-existent inside the sanctuaries.

Then, by the best efforts of the strongest fighters of the time, the humans managed to kill one of the weaker creatures and ate them.

Shock ran through the humans when they found out that their bodies were evolving and they were becoming stronger as they ate the creature's meat.

This endeavor made the humans begin to take action as they all entered the sanctuaries and made advancements in the sanctuaries.

As the bodies of these humans evolved, their lifespan increased and their strengths became better and stronger.

Besides the evolution that creatures provided by having their meat digested by humans, the creatures also rewarded humans one more thing for being killed at their hands, beast souls.

Beast Souls came in various forms, shapes, and appearances. Some come as weapons, others as armors, and even more as various other things, such as summoning the beast to fight, a pet, or even shape shifting.

Till now, humans were still discovering new types of beast souls.

It was during this time that martial arts and Ancient Martial Arts both rose from the ashes and were reborn into this 'new' world. They arose with vigor as they emerged and advanced many things for the humans as they quickly rose in strength thanks to the Ancient Martial Arts.

Since the discovery of the sanctuaries 100 years ago, humans have studied the Ancient Martial Arts and redeveloped them.

When Sora took in all the information that the ripples brought back, he smiled as he realized where he was.

'Super Gene.'

Sora let his body continue to drift along space as he thought about the story that he read a while back. The Super Gene novel, the one where Dongxuan Sutra came from.

'The Sutra was powerful enough, but now I'm in this world where I can make full use of it and use the other sutras and mantras I made,' thought Sora as he happily let his body be drawn towards a point in the world.

Most likely his new body.

In just a few seconds, Sora was brought to a world and then to a city, his soul passing by numerous buildings and vehicles as he phased through a house and entered it.

Sora appeared in front of a woman face to face.

She was exceptionally beautiful, sharp Phoenix eyes, Jade white skin, lustrous black hair, plump breasts and ass. Her body had curves in all the correct and perfect places, her eyes were pitch black and charming.

'Shit, this woman will be my mother?' Sora looked at the woman with appreciation as he gazed at every nook and cranny of her body as she undressed and entered the shower.

'Let's hope I can make this woman mine. I feel no motherly attachment and I'm too old to develop feelings like those,' thought Sora as he slipped into the woman's stomach and into her womb.

Once inside, Sora took over the dying embryo.

The instant Sora's soul slipped inside, it was as if the embryo had revived. Although all nine layers of the Realm of the Violet Jade Immortal were sealed and the first layer will not unseal until he's 6, Sora still had the Yin Yang Image in his Sea of Consciousness which provided him with Spiritual Energy that nourished his body(embryo).

Sora inspected the dying embryo, wondering if the woman had ingested pills or used her energy in whichever form to keep the baby from forming.

After a few seconds, Sora found nothing.

Relaxed, Sora began to settle in to the embryo and make it completely his whilst the embryo is still empty.

Once Sora made the embryo his new body, he began to look into his head and began to flip through numerous books, scrolls, and manuals to choose a proper technique that was made for this universe.

In his 'past' life, Sora had created millions upon billions of cultivation techniques and had access to all Martial techniques and immortal arts in existence. With his superior knowledge, Sora made sure to make many different types that are made specifically for different worlds.

An example being this Super Gene Universe centered around Qigongs (Cultivation Techniques) and Hyper Geno Arts (Martial Techniques). In this world the line that separates both Qigongs and Hyper Geno Arts is very thin and almost nonexistent.

If a Hyper Geno Art is of extremely high grade, it can be treated as a Qigong and can allow a human to unlock potential in their body that wasn't possible before with average Hyper Geno Arts.

With this in mind, Sora looked for something that could grant him a strong base that could continue to grow strong with time.

Myriad Bone Tempering Art

'This is a great technique… especially since the technique grants many bonuses for just arriving at the great perfection stage,' thought Sora as he grabbed a black manual and began reading it.

Pros at [Great Perfection]:

Bones stronger than tungsten, tougher than chromium, and some degree of flexibility.

Better bone marrows, increasing blood generation and purity.

Tougher flesh.

More stamina and very high endurance.

50% power increase.

Bones light despite high density.

High affinity with elements; Gold(Metal), Earth, Water, Fire, and Wood.

All-round perfectly balanced enhancement.

Myriad Intents.

Stronger teeth and biting power.

Mastery in controlling bones and flesh of the body.

Shrouds practitioner in whichever feeling due to the Myriad Intents.


Will take 16-18 years to reach Great Perfection.

Will have an above average talent for everything.

Cannot be advanced in Realm of the Viole Jade Immortal due to special necessity of Super Gene Universe energy wavelength.

Sora looked at the pros and cons and nodded.

He didn't think much about it and quickly began practicing the technique. It was a very strong technique and he had many years before he had to enter the sanctuaries.

The humans performed many experiments with bringing humans into the sanctuaries and to have them grow stronger from an early age. However, that had ended with no results since no matter how many creatures a human killed, as long as they can't obtain benefits from eating and beast souls, they would be useless in God's Sanctuary.

They also couldn't hear the special voice of the sanctuary inside their head if they weren't qualified to enter the sanctuaries yet.

It wasn't until a human turns 16 that they are finally able to make use of everything in the sanctuaries.

With that sorted and out of the way, Sora began to diligently practice Myriad Bone Tempering Art with the energy on the outside and a tiny bit from his mother, barely enough to not be noticed.

Like this, Sora quietly cultivated and made progress slowly.

Days passed by and Sora grew older until he was a full grown baby ripe enough to be birthed.

Whilst waiting for his birth, Sora began to feel the turbulent feelings of his mother. Sora frowned and wondered what could be happening to his mother. He knew that the woman wasn't like this because of him, but because of another man.

'Is it possibly my father? Will I have to kill this guy someday?'

Sora had a feeling that he really will have to end up doing it in a distant future. One where he's strong enough to defend himself within the Alliance.

He has read the novel Super Gene and as long as he knows where in the timeline he is in, he could do some stuff to grow in strength efficiently.

With that out of the way, Sora had a feeling this mother of his will be leaving him the moment he's born due to this 'father' of his.

'I'll make sure to kill the old man real well…' sinisterly thought Sora as he was already wishing for his father's death before he's even born.