The Talk?

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"How could he just disappear?!"

Pacing around in a frustrated manner, Lin Xue occasionally glanced outside through the window of her house.

It has been almost a week since her son, Qing Tian, had left for the Second God's Sanctuary.

"He should have taken me with him," mumbled Lin Xue as she looked at the various reporters outside.

Knock knock…

'Those damn reporters…' thought Lin Xue as she turned to look at the door and sighed.

Walking over the door with minor gusto and an irritated look on her face, Lin Xue opened the door and looked at the two women before her with a glare.

"I'm sorry, but I won't be answering any questions or taking any interviews…"

Two young women stood in front of the door in erotic uniforms that hugged their bodies nicely. These two young women turned to look at each other puzzled for a second at Lin Xue's words.

"Ma'am, we have taken care of the reporters, there's no need to worry about them anymore. We will keep them from bothering you," said one of the women.

Shocked, Lin Xue looked at the two young looking women and asked, "Who are you?"

The two girls turned to look at each other and smiled, "We're the security team set up by Master. We're still in training, but we can guarantee your safety against Surpassers and especially against any media."

"Master?" asked Lin Xue. "Can I know who this Master is?"

"We're not sure if we can divulge that information, so we're afraid we can't tell you at this moment. However, we can safely tell you the name of our security squad."

Lin Xue looked at the smiling women with a curious look on her face before nodding.

"We're part of an organization called Neo-Gotei 13. We're from the security squad. Division Nine. We protect the organization and the various people of importance Master and the organization. We're currently still in development and will take commissions in the future," said one of the women.

New organization?

Lin Xue remained quiet and just nodded along to what they were saying. She didn't know who they were but she was relieved of an annoyance thanks to them.

"Ve-very well then…" mumbled Lin Xue. "I have to get going now then…"

The two young women nodded with a smile on their faces before bowing, "We shall take our leave then. We hope to be of great service to you."

Lin Xue just looked at them walk away when they suddenly disappeared.

"What the hell?!"

Shocked by their sudden disappearance, Lin Xue walked out of her house slowly in a stupor before noticing something interesting.

In front of Han Sen's house was a young woman waiting outside of his house. Seconds later, Han Sen rushes out of his house with a smile on his face and linked arms with the girl before walking away together.

"Ah~, young love, how nice," mumbled Lin Xue with a smile on her face.

"Young love? You're still too young to be saying that Miss Lin," mumbled a voice behind Lin Xue.

Turning around to look at the speaking figure, Lin Xue smiled once she noticed who it was, "Jing'er!"

"It doesn't look like the reporters have been bothering you at all like they were doing with me," said Queen with a smile on her face.

Lin Xue smiled wryly as she noticed the tired look on Queen's smiling face.

"I was just relieved of the reporters a couple of minutes ago thanks to some new group calling themselves Neo-Gotei 13," sighed Lin Xue as she revealed her tiredness.

"Oh my…" Queen chuckled. " Should we relax, Older Sister Lin?"

"Older Sister?"

Lin Xue raised an eyebrow at the way Queen had been calling her and giggled.

Walking together, Lin Xue guided Queen over to Han Sen's house.

"Sister Luo, have you tried these cookies my Tian'er baked before he left?"

"I have! I feel like I get stronger just by eating them."

"That's amazing, he's a very extraordinary person, but…"


Both Luo Sulan and Lin Xue turned to look at Queen with confused looks on their faces, wondering what Queen was trying to go with this.

"Don't you ever just wonder how he's able to do all this amazing stuff or know all this stuff. Are we…"

Queen didn't get to continue as her worries about Qing Tian and the mystery surrounding him were finally brought to question was laughed at.


Both Luo Sulan and Lin Xue turned to look at each other with tears of laughter in their eyes before turning to look at Queen.

"It's alright honey, we've decided not to worry about that anymore after we had tried to confront him about it multiple times," said Lin Xue as she smiled softly at Queen.

Luo Sulan nodded and continued, "He told us not to worry about it for now and that we will reveal everything in the future. When will that future be? We don't know."

Queen was a little shocked at what she was hearing, but she was glad that she wasn't the only one to know that Qing Tian was a very mysterious person. A mysterious person that holds many secrets.

"What we do know is that we really love and care for him. We will stay by his side whether he tells us or not," said Lin Xue as she looked down at her cup of coffee.


Queen remained quiet and clenched her hands tightly…

'I've known him ever since I was 7, yet I still don't know what he's thinking about or how much more secrets he may be hiding. I… I'm such a terrible best friend… Someone who doesn't deserve to be his lover…'

Looking up from her cup of coffee, Lin Xue noticed the look on Queen's face. She knew from experience what Queen may be thinking because she had experienced it before.

"Jing… it's okay to not know everything about Tian'er…" said Lin Xue with a small smile on her face.

"Hm?" Queen lifted her head and looked at Lin Xue with a curious look, easing her slightly frustrated look.

"Look at me, I'm Tian's mother and yet I don't even know what goes on through his head. I bet I don't even know 2% of any of the mysteries surrounding him, and that frustrates me," said Lin Xue.

Queen furrowed her eyebrows and bit her lips, "He's a bit frustrating, isn't he?"

Lin Xue laughed and nodded, "He can be frustrating with that damned question mark covering him."

"I wonder what he thinks about when he's with us," mumbled Luo Sulan as she laid back on her chair and had a thoughtful look on her face.

The girls' went quiet for a second and secretly smiled on the inside. 'If I know him correctly, then he's thinking of many ways to ravage my body.'

All three women suddenly had red faces, shocking each other. Luo Sulan and Lin Xue weren't that shocked about each other but were rather curious as to why Queen was blushing.

"Do you think he…?" Luo Sulan asked Lin Xue in a minute mumble before showing her hands to Lin Xue and with one hand mimicking a circle and an extended finger in the other hand, Luo Sulan began to show a rather suggestive gesture clearly understood by Queen who blushed even harder.

Smiling, Lin Xue turned to Queen and said, "When are you planning on gifting me a grandchild?"

"D-don't k-kid around Big Sister Lin," said Queen with a bright red face.

Chuckling, Lin Xue suddenly said something that killed the 'merry' atmosphere.

"I guess everyone in this room had already slept with Tian'er, haha!"

Once Queen heard that, her red face slowly turned back to it's original color and her eyes turned curious as she gazed at Lin Xue.

Luo Sulan on the other hand was face palming, she was experienced in reading expressions and was able to recognize that Queen wasn't aware of their sexual relationship with Qing Tian. Especially when she herself didn't know before that Qing Tian was also sleeping with his own adoptive mother.

Lin Xue realized what had happened and nervously laughed as she thought to herself, 'Damnit, just why did my foolish son keep this poor young girl in the dark until now… No… knowing him, he might have known something like this was going to happen.'

Turning to look at Queen with a serious look on her face, Lin Xue sighed and said, "Tian'er… as you might know, has a very strong sex drive which is unheard of…"

Queen remained silent and her face looked very stoic.

Luo Sulan sighed and said, "Jing, Dear… I know that what Qing Tian did by keeping his relationship with us a secret was bad, and I cannot fully defend him either knowing this fact. However, as someone who has been touched by him, not just physically, but emotionally…"


Queen and Lin Xue both turned to look at Luo Sulan, curious as to where she was going to take this.

"... I am very happy that he made advances to me. Before he had come to me, my heart had been broken and very torn apart after my husband had 'died'. I was hiding behind a fake smile and I tried to keep my life together as everything around me slowly fell apart. My family, my husband's family taking everything my husband had worked so hard for, and everything that was going to be my childrens."

Luo Sulan's eyes turned red and tears started to form at the corner of her eyes.

"It was then that Qing Tian began to help me and shielded me from the abuse of my in-laws and the pain my… ex… husband gave me when he left me. Slowly, Qing Tian healed my wounds and I felt like I was slowly rising back to my old self but there was still something holding me back, it wasn't until Qing Tian had made advances on me that the thing holding me back was finally beginning to disappear…"

At this point, Queen had quite a bit of sympathy for Luo Sulan and understood her pain that was being relieved by Qing Tian. She had experienced it multiple times as well, not in the same manner but she believed to owe her happiness to Qing Tian.

Queen felt that she would have become a cold person if Qing Tian wasn't by her side. She felt like her life wouldn't be the same as it is now.

"Anyways, what I'm trying to say is…" Luo Sulan got really quiet and lowered her head, her face hidden in the darkness. Lifting up her head with a smirk, Luo Sulan narrowed her eyes, "You can leave Qing Tian to me, I'll give him all the love he will ever need~."

Queen narrowed her eyes and frowned, "..."

Widening her eyes in shock, Lin Xue felt the room get heavy and the air grow denser.

'Damn, what's happening…' thought Lin Xue in worry.

"I will not allow that! Qing Tian is a man who deserves more, and I will offer that to him," said Queen as she stood up and glared at Luo Sulan.

'I see what's happening now!' Lin Xue smiled joyfully as she finally caught on to Luo Sulan's plan.


It was then that Luo Sulan smiled and chuckled a little as she looked at Queen with a teasing look, "So you finally accepted your feelings. That cold exterior of yours is pretty easy to break."

Queen was confused for a second before suddenly realizing what had happened. She blushed furiously as she pointed at Luo Sulan with her finger, "Yo-you're very tricky! To make me say it out loud when I haven't even told Qing Tian yet!"

Lin Xue and Luo Sulan smiled as they turned to look at each other and giggle.


"Looks like they are doing well, let's head back to Master," said one of the women from earlier as they looked at the Queen, Luo Sulan, and Lin Xue laugh together.

The other woman nodded before voicing her doubts, "Is it safe to leave them without protection?"

"Don't worry about that, Master has skilled guardians for his lovers. Guardians that can easily take down a demigod. Meticulously trained and carefully picked out of hundreds of other candidates," said the woman.

The other woman nodded and smiled silly, "Do you think the Master will do us tonight?"

The woman remained silent for a second as her face slowly turned red and she nervously smiled, "I hope so… let's go now."