

" But why are you pointing me, Silas ? ", said Victor.

Silas - " Cause you are my only enemy in this school. "

Victor - " Don't you have any sense left in you, Silas. "

Leo - " Stop fighting you two, Silas we all were together in this because we were keen to see what's in your bag? "

Silas - " You too Leo are supporting Victor. "

Jacob - " Leo is not supporting anyone, Silas. Victor is innocent. "

Silas - " Mean you can check my bag anytime you feel like. "

Victor - " Let me explain it to you. "

Silas - " You please shut your mouth. Aaaah ... this pain will kill me. Leo, you want to explain. "

Leo - " Yes I will but first you take the seat to comfort yourself. "

Silas - " I don't want any comfort and will not get any comfort until and unless this Victor is here. "

Victor - " Silas don't force me to say something which can hurt you. "

Silas - " You cannot hurt me anymore, Victor. You have already given me enough pain and I don't think that this pain will perish with time. They are now a part of me. "

Victor - " I pray you to tell me what have I done which you think is wrong except I shared my dream with you. "

Leo - " Which dream? "

Jacob - " Yes, which dream? "

Victor - " Forget about the dream. Leo, you continue your explanation. "

Silas - " Yes, Leo please continue. Soon the classroom will be filled again. "

Leo - " Yes, let me begin. Victor noticed a strange spark coming out from your bag, Silas. "

Silas - " I knew it Victor is behind all this trouble. "

Victor - " Don't give your judgement, Silas hear him once. "

Jacob - " Silas have some patience. Leo, you try to finish fast. "

Leo - " Yes, now no interruptions in between. Victor noticed strange sparks coming out from your bag and told us about it. We in anxiety decided to open your bag to check it once. And there we found a hatchet wrapped inside a silk cloth. "

Silas - " Haatttt... Hatchet, you all have seen the hatchet. "

Leo - " Yes of course we unwrapped it. You are talking about seeing it we even lifted it. "

Silas - " You all didn't read the inscriptions carved on the handle of the hatchet to not to touch it and don't dare to lift it else be prepared for the torment. "

Jacob - " That inscriptions meant this oh God, and I noted that down so carefully to decode them. All efforts have gone in vain. "

Leo - " Silas we all wanted to ask that where did you get this hatchet from? It's amazing ."

Silas - " Today, when I was arriving at the school on my way there was strange lighting in the sky and this hatchet dropped in front of me and then a loud voice came to keep this hatchet safely with you and don't allow anyone to touch it or even see it. "

Jacob - " But how could you read these inscriptions on the handle. "

Silas - " I also don't know how I could read those inscriptions but I was able to read this as if I have learnt this language. "

Jacob - " And your palm is bleeding because of this hatchet. "

Silas - " Yes I accidentally landed my palm on the crystal of the hatchet but because of the instructions given to me by that voice, I couldn't tell you the reason. "

Leo - " According to you this hatchet dropped from the sky and is still in perfect condition without any mark on it. How? "

Silas - " I don't know how but you all should not have touched it. "

Jacob - " And what about the sparks coming from it? "

Silas - " I didn't notice any spark when I got it. "

Leo - " Look at the hatchet it is throwing sparks. "

Silas - " I couldn't see any don't know about you all. "

Leo - " But it was throwing sparks a minute ago, but now the sparks got ... "

Jacob - " Vanished. "

Victor - " How can they disappear. "

Silas - " You all can only explain it, I carried it all the way to the school and didn't notice any spark coming from it. "

Leo - " But when Victor unwrapped this hatchet it was glowing like the sun. "

Jacob - " Yes the heat evolved by this hatchet was so harsh that it irritated my skin. You can see it till now my skin is as red as a tomato. "

Silas - " But how is it possible? When you first noticed it. "

Leo - " Ask Victor he was the first who noticed it. "

Silas - " You only ask him I am not interested in hearing his talk. "

Jacob - " Victor please narrate the whole incident. "

Victor - " When I was consoling Jacob, my hand touched Silas's back and I saw sparks coming out . "

Silas - " You were consoling Jacob, for what? "

Jacob - " Nothing much, forget it. "

Leo - " No let me tell Silas. "

Jacob - " Leo no, please . "

Silas - " Jacob take out that hatchet from my bag. "

Jacob - " Ya sure, here it is. "

Silas - " See no sparks are coming out, not even the reflections from the sunrays. "

Leo - " Let me hold it. "

Silas - " Try "

Leo - " Why is it not working. "

Victor - " Now you hold it "

Silas - " But ... "

Leo - " Just for a second, Silas. Victor take it. "

Victor - " Are you sure about it as Silas is busy staring at me. "

Leo - " I will handle him, you just hold it. "

Victor - " Okay, then give it to me. Let me try my luck. "

[ Victor holds the hatchet and it begins to throw sparks ]

Leo - " Silas look we were not lying, sparks are real. "

Silas - " Can't believe my eyes. Sparks are real and this marvellous shine I have never seen before. "

Jacob - " But the hatchet responded when Victor touched it as before him Leo and Silas have touched it and I pulled this hatchet out of Silas's bag but it didn't even glow and now throwing sparks. "

Silas - " But what's there so special in Victor that we don't possess. "

Victor ( to himself ) - " This hatchet responded when I touched it but it was given to Silas and didn't respond to him. "

Leo - " Look at the crystal below. There are clouds in it. "

Jacob - " The clouds are forming a tornado inside the crystal. "

Victor - " I can't control this hatchet anymore guys. It's trying to escape. "

Silas - " Don't let it go, Victor. We don't know the consequences of this hatchet. "

Leo - " Is it the earth which is trembling or it is my fear that is making my body shear.

Jacob - " No Leo I can also feel the earth is trembling. "

[ Emergency alarms begin to ring ]

Run, run out everyone. Go find some shed for yourself. It's an earthquake. It was our principal who was warning all the students and other staff members present in the building to leave the building immediately.

Leo - " Victor, bring that hatchet down. "

Victor - " I am trying this for long but this hatchet is trying to pull me to the sky . "

Jacob - " Try with all of your strength and keep this hatchet down. "

Victor - " Aaaa..., it's pulling my flesh. "

Silas - " Let us all help him. "

Victor, Silas, Leo and Jacob placed their hands on the hatchet to pull it down and with a loud noise similar to the one of a lightning blast or a massive explosion the hatchet's shine was gone and it returned to normal and the earthquake also vanished soon after the loud noise, but this sound leads to crack all the glasses of our campus and destroyed many of the school property and the earthquake made huge rifts on the ground.