

Dhazam - " You two are too lazy to walk . You both are like a sloth in the walking . Better be fast else it will be too late . We are almost there my agents must have finished their assigned tasks . Let me now free Leo and Victor from my charm and return their senses back to them . "

[ Dhazam utters some magical words inside his closed fist and then faces his fist to Leo and Victor ]

Dhazam - " Come back to senses you two . I Dhazam commands my magic to remove my charm from your heads . Open your eyes and see me . "

[ Victor and Leo opens their eyes and their brain in now amidst both astonishment and fear ]

Leo - " Where are we , Victor ? "

Victor - " How will I know where we are ? "

Leo - " Then what you know please tell ? "

Victor - " I only know one thing and that is I am lost in a forest and don't know where to go and I am accompanied by a fool to this place . "

Leo - " This thing I should say . Why are you getting annoyed of this place , Victor . You have to become the king of this place and will have to stay here as you will be ruling this kingdom . May the Almighty show mercy on the people of this kingdom , Magica . "

Victor - " Yes I will have to stay here but not alone as Silas , Jacob , Callie and you will also have to stay here with me . Do you remember what Ben has said when we were in our planet ? I will be the king and you all will be my ministers. "

Leo - " In that case I quit . I resign from my future office of minister as I can't tolerate your decisions over me and can't even see the humble people of Magica crying in despair because of your wrong policies . I will not be your minister at any cost , Victor unless you prove out to be a loyal king . "

Victor - " Leo you are very concerned about the people of Magica whom you have never seen before or get to know them. You are ready to leave me for them, you will leave me the one who is in your friends list for the one who are strangers to you. I don't know anything about future but I can assure you one thing and that is I will never cause any trouble to the people of Magica. Now will you be my minister in future . "

Leo - " No I will not be your minister, Victor. "

Victor - " But why ? I have given you the assurance that I will never trouble the people of Magica , then what is stopping you from becoming my minister. "

Leo - " I will be the minister, Victor but not yours . I will be the minister of the people of Magica and will forever be their minister. "

Victor - " But this means that you will be my minister, Leo. "

Leo - " No, Victor you are taking my words in a wrong way. I said I will not be Victor's minister I will be the minister of the King Victor who will represent the people of Magica. Now understood. "

Victor - " Where you have prepared this speech from ? Who made this soeech for you ? Tell me this can't be your words. As how can you be so caring of the strange people of Magica as you never have been caring while dealing with me. "

Leo - " First of all I didn't prepared this speech. This speech was automatically coming out from my mouth and secondly you Victor first deserve them desire. You don't deserve my affection. "

Victor - " And these people deserve. "

Leo - " May be , not sure but probably yes they deserve my affection as generally the public is innocent the one who rules over them are evil and cruel. "

Victor - " I also agree with you on these the rulers are often cruel and evil and the innocent public has to suffer all the pains and sorrows. "

Dhazam - " True indeed, Victor "

Leo - " Victor he know your name means we are not alone here in this strange place. "

Victor - " Yes we are not alone here "

Dhazam - " Not only I know Victor but also I know you too, Leo. "

Victor - " Leo he know you also. Maybe he has brought us here as I can't remember anything about what had happened to us previously . "

Leo - " I remember only one thing and that is there was smoke everywhere and then I went to a deep sleep . "

Dhazam - " You both were not sleeping you two were under my magic charm . "

Victor - " But we can't see you . Are you a ghost . "

Dhazam - " Ghost , no no no . I am the master of this forest and I can get invisible ."

Leo - " Please make yourself visible infront of us cause I can talk with air my neck is aching . "

Dhazam - " Yes blink your eyes once and then you both can see me . "

Victor - " Is this some kind of a magic trick we blink our eyes and you will present yourself before us . "

Leo - " Don't ask anything just blink your eyes . "

[ Victor and Leo blinked their eyes once ]

Victor - " I still can't see him . Leo what about you ? "

Leo - " Me neither can't see anyone . "

Suddenly Victor's and Leo's back were banged by air which made them to look behind .

Dhazam - " Here I am Victor and Leo . I am the one who have brought you here to this place and now you two can see me . Hahahaha..."

[][] Victor's POV [][]

He was an old man . I can't even guess his age as he seems to be living in this world for centuries . He had a long beard with a thick moustache . He was wearing a magician dress and a long red and violet cape . He was crying a long stick in his hand with a huge crystal on the top of the stick . Maybe he controls everything with this stick . He was wearing a long hat which was half red and half black in colour . He seems to be a very powerful wizard . "

Victor - " Are you living or are you a spirit ."

Dhazam - " I am all alive Victor . Don't be afraid of me . I am not your foe ."

Leo - " Can you please tell me why you have brought us here ? "

Dhazam - " Good point , Leo . I like it you came straight away on the point . I have brought you here to tell you something . "

Victor - " Before telling us that thing . Please help us to find our friend Ben . "

Dhazam - " Come with me inside my castle as it's getting dark here . And there I shall help you . "

Victor - " But here is no castle not even a hut or any shed . "

Dhazam - " Here the castle comes "

[ Dhazam puts his finger on the ground and the castle appears before them all ]

Dhazam - " Now follow my lead you two the castle is here . "