
The Reunion

A cool restful shady world with light filtering lazily through the treetops that meet high overhead and shut out the direct sunshine. A light breeze whispered through the trees and the first cumulus clouds darkening into thunderheads. Jacob saw the anvil of cloud coming in. "A thunderstorm."

" We should have some rest ", said Jacob.

Xeno - " Was thinking the same. That shed is safe, let's land there. "

Jacob - " Yeah sure "

Xeno - " You okay Jacob. "

Jacob - " I am fine, but I'm not. "

Xeno - " You want something to eat. "

Jacob - " I want it, but I don't. "

Xeno - " You wanna live or not "

Jacob - " I still didn't find the purpose of my existence. Why are we here on this planet? "

Xeno - " You don't appear to be okay "

Jacob - " I am just questioning my existence. Because I feel I don't have an objective. "

Xeno - " Then create one "

Jacob - " That's right. But what to create I am confused?"

Xeno - That's for you to decide. I can't help it. "

Jacob - " None can "