At Kairu's home, the friends only in business, , four major, two minor, was having a goodtime and was talking about things other than business.They were near drunk and was acting like a pup again.Being the youngest, Martin knew that these fools would began to show their true selves soon and tgat they will starts a fight.By that time he would be gone back home back to his wife.He shifted a bit trying not to think of what he wanted to do with his wife, wether she refused him or not.He half-heartedly listen to the others were saying.His mind kept going towards Ririna too.The things that ran through his mind would've put the others to shame and shock, but he chposes to keep to himself and keep it at bay also.He do what he have to, what he needed to.
As expected they began to argue about nonsense and dishes began to fly.He swiftly moved out of the way including Kairu who surprisingly is not drunk.He left the hall along with Kairu.The two man walked down the hall until they were outside in the courtyard.Martin found a bench and went over toward it and sat down.Kairu follows his actions.He looked at his friend.He knows that he doesn't drink heavy but he always likes to get a buzz at least.He bliks trying to read his eyes which he already knows what impossible, unless you know him behind his mansion walls.
"Martin is there something wrong with you"
"Why youbwould say that, Kairu?"
"Because you have been thinking quite hard as of late.You barely listen to what the others had to say".
" I have a lot on my mind Kairu
"You will be surprised how much do i have on my mind". Yes, he would be
" precisely".
Kairu nodded as he looked ahead toward the horizon.His eyes scanning the fading lands."So i take it that you will be leaving?"
"Yes.I don't want to miss the birth of the pup by any means".
Kairu chuckles." You have another month my friend"
"You never know though". Martin stood and walk toward his car and began driving away." Tell the others i had to leave Kairu, and I will speak to you soon"
Kairu stood and nodded.Farewell my friend".With that the two leaders parted ways
Sesshomaru was driving towards his home.He soon stopped by a beautiful lake right across the borders of his mansion.He wanted to drink a water.He gracefully gets off to his car and kneels.He cups some water with his hands and began to drink.After a few dips from the water his thirst is quenched and he was beginning to leave again when he heard saw Ririna.He gave a warning stare as he turn to face Ririna
"I can come and visit you Martin?" Dressed in slim dress that had two slitsvon each side showing her creamy legs."I was wondering if you would like to, talk".She wore a mischievios smile on her face.
"Hn.What is it do you want?" He turns to her fully
She walks up to him until she was only a few inches from him."It is not i who wants, Martin.It is you who wants"With that she grabs his shirts and pulls him down, his lips crashing into hers.She slides her arms around her neck while deepening the kiss.He was shocked that she was as bold aa she was.He also liked the feeling of her lips once again.He breaks the kiss and pulls her off of him
"Don't do this". He was on the verge of breaking, thanks to her
" I am only trying to help you Martin.Was it not you who kissed me at the beach?"
He knew she would remember.He just merely shrugs."And?"
She pouts then runs her fingers likely along his arms."I can feel it Martin.I'm more than just a merely a doctor to you, but that will be revealed later, but for now.We need to solve your problem".She glanced down at his pants
He follows her gaze and was surprised how responsive he was.He was bulging.Then when he looked up her lips was on his again and this time it was more passionate.He was quickly breaking and needed to go home.His buddy was trashing to have his release, as was he.The next thing he knew he was being lead off, her holding his hand, towards a nearby cave vowing to release his pressure
"I don't know Mimi...I really didn't want him to go but i also wanted him to have some time with his other business partners
" Ah don't worry Lady Rein.He will be home soon.Beside with your condition, he will be home tonight"
"I hope you are right Mimi" says Rein who was sewing a design on a light yellow pillow
Rein was doing some intrique work while her husband was gone.She was wondering if he ever gotten drunk with her being beside him.She doubt it though.He had too much pride in a sense.She knew that once she was healed she wouldn't be able to leave there room for days.Sha gave a light smirk at the thought.She also knew that they would have to have breaks when the child is awoken.She gave a small sigh as she finishes her work
"Yes?" Mimi was a orphan too with blue hair and green eyes.She wore a servant outfit like the other servant wear
"Is it wrong of me to withold him?"
"When my husband and i was expecting our first child, It was hard after i turned to my seventh month.But we stuck it out and was glad that we did.We kept talking about what we were going to do with our child.Making plans that didn't need to be making-giggles-it was rather amusing, but hard as we also like to know"
"Ofcourse".. Rein chuckles at this and puts down her unfinished pillow." I just hope we can hold out"
"Oh come now.Hes the most powerful in business world.He has more honor and pride then all of us here.Don't you worry".
" I try not to.Thank you Mimi.I'm going to go and rest".With that she got up from her private room aned down the halls toward their bedchambers.Martin gave her a private room so she can be alone when she wants to.Or wants to do her art work in piece, mainly.She subsconsciously rubs her large belly, feeling the pup moved asideof her every so often.She can't wait to see him.She enters the room that she and her husband shared and changed into a light dress.She carefully slides onto the bed and snuggles into the furs that line it's coverings.She thinks about her husband once more before sleeps claim her, hoping he be home when she wakes up.
They were lightly panting as tgey had a really entertaining time.He got up and dressed.After sliding pants in he turns to look at her.Her hair was mangled and a light seen over her body.It has been a couple of hours since the event amd he knew that she would truly feel it in the morning.
"I must go".
She blinks and looks at him." Alright then.So, this will be the only time?"
"Yes". He turns his head towards the cave's entrance
" I understand your situation Martin.If this is our only time.I would like to still be thre for you, you know".
"A friend?"
"Yes.Even though we had just happened was of pure instinct, but yes".
" Hn.I concider it.Good night Ririna".He turns fully qnd slowly walks out of the cave
"Good night Martin". She gave off a small smile.She knew that this would not be her only time, and that he would not tell his wife.She watch him slowly drive his car away
He takes it off to his car again after washing himself thouroghly .He knew that he broke a very sacred rule of his family, but his insticts was too strong to hold any longer.He just didn't care at the time, nor did he care how he handled her.He park his car in the streets infront of his house and walk away and was soon home.He lands on his balcony and quietly goes inside.After closing the window he took of his clothes amd puts them in a sac to be washed.He slides into a covers and draps an arm over his wife's belly.He close his eyes and let sleep claims him
Meanwhile, Ririna had already washed amd went home.She didn't get there until the first glimpse of sunrise hits the skies.She fell onto her bed and could slowly feel the effects of what had happen moment earlier.Damn he was so rough, and so good.She loved it.She hoped thet they would do it again, but understood if they could not.She undresses and settles in for the day, hoping that no one disturbs her.Her mind keeps going over and over what they had done.She was wondering if he will see her now afyer this.This way his hands plaid a very sensual role made her shiver.She closes her eyes as sleep slowly made its way toward her to settle in for the night
It was morning.The sun shing upon Martin's home with new light.For the people at the mansion, it was actually a day off for them.Most have left to go home in their family while the others were housed in there rooms relaxing and enjoying the day.Only a few who have no families of there own were working for they didn't mind.One of which was Mimi as she was making sure that her master and Lady's breakfast was being prepared.She loved to leave a smile on Ririna's face and a nod of approval from Martin.It would always make her day more enjoyable.Today, she had Rin inside with her as they sample a bit of the food
"Oh!Rin like this one Mimi.It's gooey but not to gooey and sweet but not too sweet.I loved tge other pastry as well and that the juice is all yummy".
" That's good Rin".She always did love it when Rin would help her when she is up early.She just likes to stick her fingers in samples and sometimes get the cook and rilled with laughter.
"Now how about we go and set up the table?"
"Yay!" Rin turns amd marches out of the kitchen in a hum with a chuckling Mimi walking behind her
Rein woke up to an empty bed this morning .She expected this for he is a busy man.He didn't toss and turn like he had been doing last week.All of a sudden stopped.Although, this confused her, she decided to press on the matter much later on.She got up and go dressed in a light yellow haori and black hakamas, since she prefers that hakamas are more comfortable to her.She steps in light yellow shoes and brushes her her.During that time there came a knock on the door.Kikyo finishes her long black tresses and walks toward the door and opened it to reveal Rin and Mimi
"Oh, good morning you two". She smiles at them
" Good morning lady Rein"Mimi bows with a smile."How are you today?"
"I am well thank you.I take it that breakfast is ready?" They both nod."Fine then, let's be off".With that they left the room while another servant goes inside to straighten up."Rin how did you time in the kitchen go?"
"It was great!I sampled a lot of food, but not to spoil my appetite as i am still hungry".
" That's wonderful".She love to hear how she did in the kitchen
"Lady Rein, Master Martin wilk be joining you two very sortly". By this time they entered the dining hall and was sitting down with guards helping Lady Rein to sit
'Thank you Mimi, you may go now". Mimi bows and scurries off to do her chores
" Mother?Rin likes your haori
"Thank you Rin.As always you look lovely Rin was wearing a dark blue and light blue stripped dress
" Hehe, thanks"
The girls talked as they normally do when waiting on Martin.They always did like each others company and they never minded .During her earlier months in pregnancy she even slept in Rin's room sometimes, just to play and joke with her
Walking in the hall, , tha man's mind was racing.Last week was a slow blur of question and what ifs.He knows that he would not and will not tell his wife what he had done.He did not want to loose her and won't.He just won't let what he had done happen...ever.He do loves his wife but his instincts were too strong to ignore.He hears the two girls talking and chatting as he walks into the living room.They stopped.Rin gets up and runs toward him.Crashing onto his legs, giving them a tight squeeze.He pats her on the head and she lets go and returns to her seat.He went over and sat at the head of his table.He looked at his wife.
"How are you feeling?"
"I am well thank you.Busy day today?"
"As always.Servants". With that the servants entered the dining hall filling the table with eggs, ham, bread fruit and juices.They quickly left so the trio can eat in peace.He takes a bite of eggs and nods, signaling that it is ok to eat
" father?Rin was wondering when if Rin can go outside to play
He looked at his adopted daughter with araised brow.He nods and they continue eating
"Martin, I was wondering...if...there is a way to...hurry this along?" she looks at her large belly as she rubs it
He looks over at her."You have four more weeks, you can't wait until then?"
"I'm sorry but i really wanted to see him now". She smiles up at him and then back at her belly." Besides, I know that will be fine during this stage"She was right there
"I will talk to our doctor to see what she can do". He wanted to make sure that if this is what she wanted , but the look on her face proved that.As she stated, the pup will be fine.
" Thank you, honey"
They soon finished their meal and went on their separate ways.He call the doctor and the doctor approves of the thought and he left to go and tell to his wife
"Rein?" He found her in his study."The doctor approves of the notion you made".
"Good, when can we start?"
"In three days.The medicine needs to beade precisely
" Alright, I guess three days would hurt"She looks down and continues to read the book she was holding
He walked over towards his desk and sat down.He takes a small stack of ddocument and bagans to sign it.This was their daily routine if nothing else happens.An occassional small talk, but the comfortable silence is always will be filled with their son's cries
Ririna hasn't been feeling well for days.She takes a medicine, only to throw it up soon after she takes it.She then decides to go to a doctor for reassurance.The symptoms she was having were similar to what she heard from other woman, but that can't be her, no, not her.No fucking way was she going to have some brat that demands her attention 24/7!She walked into his friend's doctor office.She would visit Kiyoha today to tell her what she's been experiencing as of late.Maybe she was coming down with something, maybe carrying something...or is carrying someone.
"Hi Kiyoha". The woman turns and smiles.Ignoring lack of formalities
"Ah, Ririna, what can i do for you?" Ririna told her what she has been feeling for the past several days."Ah the symptoms sound very similar to pregnancy.Lay down and i examine it
after a few minutes the woman look at Ririna surprised"You're pregnant"
Ririna sits up and looks at Kiyoha like she didn't understand."".She couldn't believe it.She wasn't even on her cycle then."I wasn't on..."She was in no ways ready to be a single mother.Certainly as hell isn't ready to be a mother of a man she had only one night with!How the hell was this...damn it...why me?"
"Somethimes you dont have to be on your cycle.Mostly, the seeds reaches its destination before the cycle begans fully".
Ririna thanked Kiyoha and left.She then walked away and walked in the middle of the streets not minding many cars run.How tha hell was she going to explain this to him.It is true at what she say.It only takes one time, if you are lucky it might not happen, but it her.She turn around and walked toward Martin's home
Martin was walking along the halls when a servant informed him that he had a visitor.He wondered who this visitor is and went towards the waiting room where visitors go to be waited on.He enters the room to find a shock-shelled Ririna sitting down.She was starring at the wall making it look very interesting to watch.He was wondering what happened for her to be in such a dull and lifeless state.He blinks and takes a few steps toward her
" What are you doing here Ririna?"
She was startled out of her thoughts and looks at him.She gets up and walks up to him until she was within arm's reach.She looks down at his shoes, finding them very interesting."I have something to tell you".
He raised a brow and waits for her to answer."And that is"
She looks up at him and looked at him straight in his eyes."I'm pregnant...with your child"
Both brows shot up slightly as he looks at her fully..."what?"