"We made a vow, but you only ruined it with that girl.I try to say to myself you will not betray me again, b---but you did, not only once but many times.You know i have given you all i have.B-but this is the fucking thing a recieved" a sound of sob was heard all over the car as she drive the car carelessly.She was going back promising to herself she will not ever again come back to Martin
"Rein don't do this --The voice in other side of the phone said begging
" Fuck you, , Martin, , You should think that this will happen before you kiss that girl, Just sign our annulment paper and just let us go..As for Youshi you can see him but not now until i said so.Give us a time...Goodbye".Reib didn't even heard Martins answer as she throw her phone in her widow car.She cry while driving in her car.But before a can wipe her tears in her cheeks a dazing light appear in front of them in a speed.A sound of car crash was heard all ove the place before the eruption
----End of Vol 1----
I update a 2 chapter this day because i plan to start the vol 2 tomorrow so i maybe updating a one chapter every week so pls keep supporting me and leave a review for me to improve...love u all