Chapter 21 : Conclusion

Leo holding on his own, constantly bleeding, badly hurt and can barely stand. His will's the only one that's letting him stood against his formidable foe.

As usual, it was the chimera who moves first directly running straight to Leo. It was faster than it was, Leo also prepared himself for a counterattack.

The chimera had reached where he is, the usual attack pattern, it raises it's paws, both front and attacked Leo. He swiftly ducked and went under it then slashed and stabbed it in the stomach. The chimera reacted faster, it shifted it's body and tried to bit Leo, but he had already slightly jumped backward.

[Stack Damage :2]

The chimera's movement became a bit slower because of the wound he got. Leo gave no time to chimera, he ran and went behind it. The chimera sensed him and whipped it's headless tail to Leo, but he knew that the chimera would do that and he totally cut off it's remaining tail. The chimera felt the pain and growled in agony, then it kicked Leo from behind.

'I can't dodge this!'

He blocked it with his sword and got thrown a few meters away.

[Stack Damage : 4]

'Don't stop, keep attacking, I can do it!'

He went full throttle, he was amazed by his own speed, the chimera turned and faced him. Leo running straight where the chimera is, he didn't stop, the chimera saw this as an opportunity to finish him. The chimera lowered it's body, a predator waiting for its prey to reached him and jump at it.

Leo stepped into the chimera's attack range and jumped on him, Leo his last step were his right and he also jumped, evading the chimera's attack. Leo landed on the chimera's back, the goat-head moaned when it saw Leo standing in from of it. The goat-head moaned to notify the chimera that the enemy is on it's back.

"Stop moaning bitch!"

Leo holds his sword with both hands,


He pierced the goat-head protruding in it's back using his sword. The chimera felt weak and fell on it's feet.

[Stack Damage : 5]

Huff, Leo jumped off and walked towards the chimera's head.

"You gave me a hard time you monster!"

The weak, lying chimera, suddenly raised it's head. It quickly opened it's wide mouth and is gonna bite Leo.

It's sharp long teeth stopped halfway, then blood came out of it's mouth. Leo had stabbed it in it's neck up to it's nape, Leo was breathing heavily and his heart was beating so fast.

If he was late even the slightest bit of reaction, he must've been bit off to death by now.


[You have killed the Chimera]

[Punishment concluded.]

[Time remaining : 16:59:38]

[Sending rewards...]

[Transferring back to your world...]

[I'll see you soon...]

"There's no soon!"

Leo was teleported back, to his surprise, it was inside his room. His excitement made him forgot his wound and went out of his room looking all hurt.

Tom was at the kitchen washing the dishes. Tom heard the door opened and looked at it.

"(*Kuya*) you're ho-" *means big brother

Tom was shocked when he saw Leo bleeding and his clothes were dirty. He wiped off his hands and quickly came to Leo's aid.

"Kuya what happened to you, why are you bleeding?"

Tom was in a state of panic, he didn't know what to do. Leo had remembered that he was bleeding. Then he felt weak all of a sudden, he sat down on a chair. Tom still don't know what to do was calmed down by Leo.

"It's fine, you don't have to worry about me"

Leo pats Tom's head but Tom brushed his hand off.

"Stop treating me like a kid Kuya! And how can you say it'a fine when you're like that"

Leo smiled and laughed at the packing Tom.

Leo opened the system's store and bought a health potion. The potion projected into Leo's hand, Tom was surprised when he saw that something had appeared in Leo's hand.

"How... did you do that Kuya? Is it magic?"

Tom couldn't believe what he just saw.

"Nah, it's not magic. It's like... you know that kind of power hunters have"

Leo explained then he drink the health potion. It heals faster than what the healers can do. The blood stopped coming out and all of his wounds and bruises were gone but not his exhaustion.

"Wow! So you're like a healer or what?"

Tom couldn't hid his amusement.

"I'm not a healer, what I did it's a secret"

He winked at Tom and laughed as he brushed Tom's hair causing it to a mess.

"I'm gonna have to rest for a bit, I'll take a nap"

Leo rose from his seat and he pats Tom's shoulder as he walked towards his room.

Leo lie flat his back on his bed, he opened his rewards and saw that there's still something going on in the system. The rewards can't be shown and the system was down. Seems like the system were in maintenance. Albeit the system's down, Leo once again tried to open his rewards.

[Rewards can't be revealed due to a system maintenance.]

[The system has been put on a maintenance and is working on a update. It'll be back shortly.]

Because of that Leo close his eyes and fell into his slumber.


A round table, surrounded by ten unknown figure having a conference meeting.

"It seems that everything is going according to our plan"

"Yes, our plan proceeds as planned" replied by an elderly voice.

"What about 'him'? Shouldn't we bring him in and have him help us?" a modest voice from a woman said.

"We'll do that, but not now. He is still weak compared to all of us here. A simple job might kill him and it would be a huge waste for us"

said by a deep-toned voice, his chin resting on both his hands.

"I agreed to that, but who's going to do the job?"

"Then I'll do it" a harsh tone came from a huge figure sitting at the west side of the round table.

"You'll move after this"


Leo had been woken up by the usual notification sound made by the sent by the system. Leo looked for his phone, clicked the home button and looked at the time, it's already 9:35 P.M.. Leo rose from bed, stretch his arms and let a deep yawn.

[The system has been updated and rewards are now ready to be claimed]

Leo's eyes grew wider and let a grin on his face as he saw the rewards.