Real Illusion, Profound Meaning Stone Tablet [2/3]

Two words.

It was always spoken by the students from the special training camp.

But now, the roles have reversed.

Lei Tan was in a daze all the way until he walked out of the battlefield.

He lost.

But he still didn't understand why, why did he suddenly lose?

He had clearly created the Thunder Prison.

It was supposed to be his home turf.


On the field.

Butterfly used its psychic power to lift the big fat bear and pushed it into a healing pod.

The cabin door closed.

The liquid inside rose and quickly covered the Electric Bear.

Su Hao saw that the injuries on the big fat bear's body were gradually disappearing. The status displayed on the interface also indicated that it was recovering rapidly.

"You go too."

He looked at the Flaming Spiritcrow.

Among the sprites, the Water Unicorn Beast did nothing… Cough, it took on an important duty of protecting him.