I Bet, He Will Definitely Kneel × 9 (Two-in-one)

Under each huge stone tablet was a shallow palm silhouette. As long as one pressed on it, they would be able to open the challenge inheritance.

In the beginning, the stone tablet was only activated when a curious brother laid his hand on it.

At this point, the onlookers were all hesitant to move forward, so it was up to Su Hao to step forward bravely.

When the extras… cough, when the students from Dragon City University saw this, they asked, "Why don't you wait a little longer and collect more information? Maybe then you'd be able to pass two more stages?"

"We're explorers, we can't be so inflexible and stubborn." Su Hao said casually. "The ancient city is really big, you know, if I fail here, I'll just go somewhere else to look for opportunities."

"You're right!"