Experiment Completed, Research Paper Publication!

Su Hao did some examination checks on the sprite in front of him.

Soon, Su Hao unlocked the advanced plan of the Fluorescent Demon.

Countless information surged into his mind. A fluorescent demon with a demonic aura appeared in his mind after it evolved.

Su Hao was a little surprised.

"So that's how it is…"

"The changes brought by Fallen Evolution to the Fluorescent Demon are much greater than the changes brought by Butterfly Fairy, Flaming Spiritcrow, Three-Headed Hound, and other sprites."

Among Su Hao's three categories, Butterfly Fairy's Fallen Evolution was considered as one of the categories. Butterfly was proficient in using illusions to stir up negative emotions and thus was classified into the illusion category. Of course, this wasn't what Butterfly was best at.