Advancement of the Holy lake, the ritual of the silver people (2 in 1)

When you're outside, you must first learn how to show your face.

Of course, su Hao was prepared. He learned from the first elder that there was no cooperation between the three Holy Lands, but there were no conflicts either. For many years, they had lived their own lives.

It wasn't until this period that sprite trainers appeared again that the three Holy Lands, which had been silent for a long time, became active again.

Although su Hao only left his own legend in the divine Tree Holy Land, he believed that the lake fairy in the lake of life Holy Land knew him.

"It's a good thing that you've heard of me. Otherwise, it would be a little awkward if you failed to gain my face."

Su Hao didn't wait too long. The lake immortal who had just sent the message came back with another Lake immortal.