Mirage Dragon heaven and earth chess (2 in 1)

When dealing with the unknown Mirage Dragon, die Xiaodie was the most stable.

In Ji Meng's opinion, the other sprites did not have much chance of winning.

However, the fire Crow just wanted to fight.


Isn't it a joke to let the little five - element bird fight?

"Your bird ...?"

"It's already been crowned. "

Ji Meng was surprised, but not too surprised.

After all, the five - element bird was said to be more talented than the waterswamp bird great elder and other half - Legend and legendary spirits. He would only be surprised if he became the champion in a few years.

But that wasn't the problem.

The five - element bird was still a child! It's not appropriate for you to send your child to the battlefield to be abused!


Su Hao had already made his decision, and the little five - element bird seemed to be very excited. Ji Meng's throat moved, but he still didn't speak.

Let the White - scaled ink Dragon Go for the next round.
