Chapter 651-everything's ready except for one sword strike!

In the end, Crow still lost.

There was a limit to the silly Crow.

Crow was very unwilling.


"Although you have your limits now, there is no limit to your future. I believe in you."

"Hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo!(As expected of a sprite trainer, you're exactly as hoo - hoo as Yaya thinks~!)"

Su Hao touched the tip of his nose.

Cough cough.

He looked into the distance. The Thunderbird with a wingspan of tens of meters was wrapped in bolts of lightning, making it look like a Porcupine.

The Thunderbirds were no longer sleepy.

When it was woken up, it was very angry and waved its claws to clear the surroundings.

But ...

Being awoken once was anger, being awoken twice was Fury, being awoken countless times ...

It really woke up.

He didn't feel sleepy at all! I'm so angry!

Especially the fire Raven ...

The Thunderbirds could sense that the fire Raven's aura was already quite weak, and its recovery speed had become extremely slow.