The Love of the Ancestor — the Spell of Trickery and Deception

Liu Fan exercised the Four Suns Body Tempering Method.

Instantly, spiritual energy flowed throughout his body rapidly. In the next second, his clogged veins were cured and his blood flowed again as the impurities had been dissolved at a much faster rate. The decayed and blackened muscles deep in his body were also disappearing at an accelerated speed, and they were soon replaced with new ones…

"How unfortunate, I still can't move!"

Liu Fan tried to move, to no avail.

After a thousand years of lying in the coffin, his flesh had decayed too much, and even his internal organs were starting to smell like a corpse. How difficult it would be for him to have a real rebirth!

Liu Fan sighed, but he was not disappointed, because the decay of his flesh and blood had been contained, and new tissues were replacing them. The day when he could truly walk out of the coffin would not be too far away!

At this moment, Liu Fan suddenly felt that the middle finger of his left hand had become extremely numb and itchy, after which, it trembled lightly.

"Is my left middle finger moving?!"

Liu Fan mobilized all his spiritual energy. With all his strength, he pushed the spiritual energy against the acupoints on his left middle finger. This was to stimulate the regeneration of flesh and blood in his left middle finger.

It was difficult for the flesh, blood, and nerves of the whole body to get through a remodeling within a short period of time, but there were evident signs of recovery on his left middle finger. At this moment, under the full impact of Liu Fan's energy, the blood vessels at his fingertips were becoming unclogged, his flesh and blood were rejuvenating, and even his fingernails were growing.

"At this rate, it would take less than three days for my left middle finger to recover!"

Liu Fan was excited.

'The middle finger is a very crucial finger for anyone's hand, but this is especially so for men!

'Isn't it?!'

"The soul of the Seven-Star Master…"

Liu Fan exercised the power of his soul. His will penetrated his body and he tried to spread it outwards.

One meter.

Two meters.

Five meters.

Finally, it reached a hundred meters!

The spiritual power of a master-level soul could perceive anything within a hundred meters.

Although Liu Fan was unable to move and he was still lying in the coffin, he seemed to have a pair of eyes in the sky, overlooking everything within a radius of 100 meters centered upon him…

Willow trees that danced along with the wind in the courtyard of the ancestral hall…

The spiders spinning webs in the corner…

The snotty baby Liu Xiaoxiao who was with Liu Daquan in the nearby courtyard, hiding in a clay jar and stealing bites of pig ears…

Liu Dongdong was staring at the red-crowned rooster in the yard with bloodshot eyes, panting. Liu Meimei was sitting on the steps next to him, eating sunflower seeds…

Liu Erhai was eating his fingernails, and Liu Sanhai was smelling the mound of earwax in his hands… Whew, the smell of salted fish. That's so fragrant…

At this time, Liu Fan "saw" Liu Wuhai and Liu Liuhai coming.

Both had their hair combed behind their heads and both were full of spirits. Their swords were hanging from their waists, and leaves rolled up from the ground as they walked.

"I will burn some incense sticks for the great ancestor!"

The duo walked into the ancestral hall. Standing side by side and holding a solemn expression on their faces, they paid respect to Liu Fan.

"Respect points +600."

"Respect points +600."

Two big green 600s emerged on their heads.

Liu Fan felt delighted.

Liu Wuhai and Liu Liuhai, these two descendants of his, were indeed very good. They had been coming to worship him three times each day, once in the morning, once at noon, and once in the evening. They had been very sincere and would always contribute a lot of respect points.

Thinking of the other descendants, Liu Fan could not help but feel angry.

The head of the clan, Liu Tao, had come here once this morning and left after giving perfunctory worship.

The First Elder Liu Dahai was busy preparing to refine this great ancestor of his and had no time to come.

The Second Elder and the Third Elder didn't come either on the excuse that they wanted to help the First Elder, but Liu Fan's consciousness "saw" one of them eating fingernails to supplement his calcium, and the other intoxicating himself by smelling earwax.

As for the other clan members, no one had even bothered to take a glance at the ancestral hall.

This great ancestor who was lying in the coffin felt that the longer he was to lie in here, the more bleak his future would be!

In such a situation, it was impossible for his respect points to grow quickly.

Liu Fan pondered…

"As an old ancestor who lies in the coffin and can't show up in front of my people, how am I different from a real dead corpse?!"

"The Rage of the Ancestor and the Love of the Ancestor are very useful spells. I must use them wisely!"

"My soul level has been upgraded to the Soul of the Seven-Star Master. I can now exert my master-level coercion and make my people respect me even more!"

Liu Fan's plan gradually became clearer…

At this time, Liu Tao came to the ancestral temple.

As the head of the clan, he was a busy man every day.

Originally, he had wanted to visit Liu Dongdong at this time.

But when he was passing by the gate of the ancestral temple, to his surprise, he saw Liu Wuhai and Liu Liuhai worshipping their great ancestor.

After some hesitation, he also walked into the ancestral hall, wanting to pay his respects to the old ancestor.

The great ancestor could have stayed lying comfortably in his grave, but Liu Tao had dug him out and left him in the ancestral hall. Liu Tao would feel really uneasy if he didn't pay enough respects to the great ancestor.

Moreover, the great ancestor had left many of the Liu clan's cultivation techniques on his body. He must look after the ancestor carefully, and then find a way to select some suitable clan members to touch the ancestor and learn the techniques.

With that in mind, he stepped into the ancestral temple.

When Liu Wuhai and Liu Liuhai saw Liu Tao, their eyes flashed with joy. They said, "Sir, can you open the coffin again? We still want to touch our ancestor!"

Liu Tao turned and glanced outside the ancestral temple. He saw some clan members cleaning the yard.

So he shook his head and said, "Not now. There are too many clan members outside and they will see us. Wait for the evening!"

"At midnight, call the First Elder, the Second Elder, and the Third Elder, and we shall touch him together!"


Liu Wuhai and Liu Liuhai rubbed their hands in excitement.

"I will burn some incense sticks for the great ancestor!"

Liu Tao began to worship Liu Fan, and a respect point of "500" floated above his head.

Ever since he found out that Liu Fan had harbored many physical cultivation techniques which were likely to be a contingency that this great ancestor had arranged a thousand years ago, Liu Tao had become far more sincere when he burned incense to Liu Fan. The respect points that Liu Tao contributed was also becoming higher and higher.

In the coffin, Liu Fan looked at Liu Tao and wondered what kind of spell he should give this offspring.

As the leader of the Liu clan, Liu Tao must be excellent in both martial arts and clan management. Otherwise, how could he be able to lead the Liu family to become stronger and flourish?

In the spell library of the System, Liu Fan picked two spells.

"The Love of the Ancestor — the Spell of Circumspection and Foresight: It can make the person under the spell scheme carefully, make long-term plans, and become shrewd and sophisticated!"

"The Love of the Ancestor — the Spell of Trickery and Deception: The person under the spell shall become more versed in the ways of the world, more sinister and cunning. He shall achieve his aim by fair means or foul!"

Obviously, both of the spells were extremely powerful, and Liu Fan wanted to use both on Liu Tao.

"System reminder, only one spell can be used on each clan member!"

Liu Fan pondered. Only one spell could be used?!

Currently, the Liu clan was facing enemies from all sides, and the situation was made worse by their location in Black Street, which was the worst place in the City of Scorpio. The clan was making a precarious living and facing the danger of extermination.

Under such circumstances, what the Liu family lacked was a fox-like leader who would be treacherous and cunning and willing to do whatever it would take to make the Liu clan stronger.

If that was the case, the Spell of Trickery and Deception would be the most suitable spell!

"The Love of the Ancestor — The Spell of Trickery and Deception, go!"

Liu Fan exercised his will and used 100 respect points to cast the spell.

In front of the coffin, Liu Tao looked solemn as he paid homage to Liu Fan.

Next to them, Liu Wuhai and Liu Liuhai smiled, because they had realized that the head of the clan had become more and more respectful towards the great ancestor. This was a good thing.

But suddenly, Liu Tao, who was burning incense to Liu Fan, smiled.

The smile was fox-like. His two dimples made their faint appearances, his brows bent downward, and his eyes were shining brightly. Stroking his mustache, he shook his head and said slowly:

"I have a plan to make the Liu family the dominator of Black Street!"