Why Am I So Confident

In the room, it was pitch black. Liu Xiaoxiao did not care and began to shout loudly.

Downstairs, when Liu Dongdong saw Liu Xiaoxiao barge into the room like that, he smiled proudly.

Trying to do interesting things in the room, dream on!

However, at this moment, Liu Xiaoxiao's voice was heard from upstairs. "Brother Dongdong, Sister Meimei is not in the room…"


Liu Dongdong rushed up the building and found that Liu Meimei was not in.

Meanwhile, the window on the other side was open. Under the window was the back door of the Liu family. The back door led to the streets outside.

Meanwhile, two guards of the Liu family had fainted on the ground at the area behind the door.

"Oh, no! Zhuo Tianyou took Meimei away!"

Liu Dongdong was astonished and rushed over to look for the head of the clan, Liu Tao.

Liu Tao was still in the ancestral temple.

Under the oil lamp, he took out the package from Liu Fan's coffin. He realized, to his surprise, that the black crescent jade had turned white.

The white crescent jade was cold to the touch. He became calmer unknowingly and felt as though his soul had been cleansed and become extremely clear.

"This jade has the power to calm the mind and heart!"

Liu Tao was surprised and excited.

If he brought the jade along with him during training, it could prevent him from overdoing it.

He had reached the Fish Dive State many years ago but did not dare to make a breakthrough to the Dragon State. Apart from his lack of ability, he was worried about overdoing the training.

Yet now, after touching the Three Suns Body Tempering Method on his ancestor's body and obtaining the crescent jade, Liu Tao felt that it would not be long before he could make a breakthrough to the Fish Dive State.

"Heaven is helping me!"

Liu Tao was excited. As long as he was able to make a breakthrough to the Dragon State, he could be considered a martial arts master.

In this chaotic dark world, one would only be powerful if one had the status and power of a martial arts master.

At this moment, outside of the ancestral temple, Liu Dongdong ran, feeling distraught.

"Clan Head, something bad has happened!"

"Why are you in such a hurry? Take your time!"

"Zhuo Tianyou, the young lord of the Lord Governor's Mansion, took Meimei away!"


Liu Tao kept silent for a moment and smiled. "Don't worry. Meimei will be back tomorrow morning!"

Liu Tao smiled calmly and persuaded Liu Dongdong to continue his training.

Liu Dongdong was only thinking about Liu Meimei and could not calm down. He walked back and forth in the courtyard anxiously.

When Liu Tao saw that, he gestured to a clan member beside him.

"Go to my room and bring the rooster under my bed here!" Liu Tao instructed the clan member softly. "Secretly, though. Don't let Dongdong see you!"

These last few days, Liu Dongdong suddenly loved to eat chicken.

Roosters, especially. He had killed and eaten all of the roosters he could find.

He did not even spit out the bones.

Liu Tao found the way Liu Dongdong ate the chicken strange.

Meanwhile, Liu Meimei had accidentally revealed that the rooster was a tool that controlled Liu Dongdong.

Although Liu Tao did not really understand that, he still kept a rooster secretly.

The clan member brought over the rooster very quickly.

It had a bright red comb. It was very beautiful and looked at Liu Tao with a side glance.


Liu Tao gave the rooster a slap.

"Ow ow—"

The rooster crowed.

Liu Dongdong, who was pondering around in the courtyard anxiously, suddenly froze. Then, his gaze changed and he immediately sat down on the ground and began to cultivate…

Liu Tao was shocked and then smiled. If Liu Meimei had not unintentionally told him about the secret, he would have never believed that Liu Dongdong could be controlled by the crows of a rooster.

"Ancestor, are you really showing your powers?!" he exclaimed as he looked at Liu Fan's coffin.

Ever since he'd placed the ancestor's coffin into the ancestral temple, strange things had begun to happen to the Liu family.

Firstly, Liu Chao, the spy of the Lu family, revealed himself and used his life to let others know about how one should be honest.

After that, Liu Wuhai, who originally had a pessimistic outlook in life, suddenly began to live with high spirits and often asked his family members to cultivate.

Liu Liuhai, who was originally a yes-man who had no opinions, suddenly became very motivated and began to build the army of the Liu family eagerly. When he walked, his pants caused the leaves on the ground to rustle.

Now, Liu Dongdong, who was originally lazy, suddenly changed. When the rooster crowed, he would enter his training mode. That was unbelievable.

"Thank goodness, I am normal…"

Liu Tao suddenly thought about himself and heaved a sigh of relief.

He turned to Liu Fan's spirit tablet.

Under the oil lamp.

Liu Fan's coffin was placed horizontally; the spirit tablet read, "Liu Fan, an esteemed and well-loved ancestor, First Physical Cultivator." The light dimmed and brightened up repeatedly, and this along with the smoke from the incense made the spirit tablet seem more mysterious.

"Ancestor, I've decided to enter seclusive cultivation tonight."

"If you are really listening to me, please watch over me. I have been stuck in the Fish Dive State for three years."

"Please watch over me, allow me to make a breakthrough and advance to the Dragon State!"

He paid his respects to Liu Fan sincerely.

Then, he gave instructions to the clan members.

After that, he went into the secret room with the crescent jade and hung a "do not disturb" note.

"Respect points +800."

Liu Fan received the respect points that Liu Tao contributed and opened his eyes.

"My good descendant. Since you are so respectful to your ancestor, I will definitely look after you!"

"The Love of the Ancestor — the Spell of Trickery and Deception, leave!"

"The Love of the Ancestor — Smooth Sailing Spell, go!"

If his respectful descendant wanted to make a breakthrough, as the ancestor, he would ensure that he made his breakthrough smoothly.

In the secret room, Liu Tao sat with his legs folded and frowned. His expression changed continuously.

A year ago, he'd tried to make a breakthrough but overdid it and almost died.

This incident was a traumatic one for him.

He was not afraid of death, but he was worried about leaving behind the Liu family.

Now, the Liu family was in a critical state. The spaceship could have landed somewhere near the shorelines of the Scorpio Island. If anything happened to him, the Liu family would be in deep trouble and completely lose the chance to make use of the opportunity.

"No, I have to make a breakthrough to the Dragon State. If the Liu family wants to rule over the chaotic Black Street, we have to have a martial arts master!"

Liu Tao gritted his teeth and took a deep breath. He was ready to begin cultivating.

However, at this moment, he suddenly felt chills down his body.

For some strange reason, a strong sense of confidence spread through his body. He suddenly felt extremely strongly that his breakthrough would be extremely successful!

"What's happening?"

"Why am I so confident?"

"Who gave me the confidence?"

Liu Tao was confused. The feeling of "very successful" was becoming stronger.

It felt like the waves of the ocean, hitting him wave after wave.


Liu Tao took a deep breath and adjusted his breathing. He began to cultivate the Three Suns Body Tempering Method and attempted to make a breakthrough.


Just as he began, a loud sound was heard from his body.

The bottleneck was broken!

Then, a powerful aura exuded from Liu Tao's body. There was the power of a Grand Master mixed in the aura.

"This… this is the Grand Master state?!"

"I managed to break through?"

Liu Tao was shocked beyond words. He had not even trained for one day and yet already managed to break through?!

Why was the process so smooth?!

What happened?!