The Liu Family Welcomes You

While Liu Fan was hesitating, Liu Tao took out a pill and placed it in front of the servant.

"This is the Seven-Day Intestinal Damage Pill, the poison invented by our ancestor in the past. You have to take the remedy pill every seven days or you will die immediately!"

"No problem! I will take it!"

The servant immediately swallowed the pill.

"Anything more? It seems that you still don't trust me. You can do anything you want to me!" the servant said upon raising his head.

Liu Tao took out another pill from his pocket.

"Seven-Day Death Pill!"

Without even looking at it, the servant swallowed that as well.

"Give me a few more. If I don't take at least ten pills, you will definitely not trust me!" the servant said as he smiled.

"If that's the case, I shall not hold back!" Liu Tao said and took out a few more poisonous pills. One of them was from a type of poisonous insect.

The servant ate all of them, willingly letting Liu Tao feed him poison.

After seeing how Liu Tao felt insecure, the servant smiled and took the pen and paper on the table as he wrote a letter of complaint.

The letter read, "I, Zhao Laosan, on the XXXX year, XX month, and XX day, entered the Lord Governor's Mansion. On a windy night, after drinking some alcohol, I decided to betray the Lord Governor of the Lord Governor's Mansion!"

"Ouyang Yue'er, the wife of the governor, was a good person. The first night was beautiful. The details are as follows… In the end, Ouyang Yue'er got pregnant and gave birth to a boy. He is Zhuo Tianyou…"

"Everyone thought that I am loyal and I am willing to be the slave of the Lord Governor's Mansion even though I am a grand martial arts master. However, nobody knows that I am actually accompanying my wife and son…"

The letter of complaint was packed with words. There were at least 1000 words.

He wrote clearly about how he'd made the Lord Governor a cuckold.

After reading the letter, Liu Tao was astonished.

After a long time, he held the servant's hand in joy and shook it hard. "Brother Zhao, I believe you!"

Zhao Laosan was being so cooperative that Liu Tao felt embarrassed.

Zhao Laosan was also very excited. He shook Liu Tao's hand and patted his shoulder, his smile blooming like a flower.

"When I first entered the Lord Governor's Mansion, apart from taking care of my wife and son, I wanted to cultivate the extraordinary sword technique that the Lord Governor obtained from the mysterious spaceship. However, the Lord Governor was very cautious. He did not pass down the mind cultivation despite passing down the sword technique! How shameless!"

"Moreover, he did not even pass it down to Tianyou! He is too selfish!"

Zhao Laosan looked extremely angry when he recalled the incident. He spoke honestly.

"Today, after seeing the protective aura around your ancestor, I suddenly realized that this is the martial arts I am looking for. it is also the realm that my master had been looking for his entire life!"

His eyes lit up as he looked at Liu Fan's coffin again.

Liu Tao said, "Our ancestor was born and died in glory. He is our glory and is a role model for all the descendants of the Liu family!"

"I agree!" Zhao Laosan added seriously. He took a deep sigh. "However, I hate myself for being in the Zhao family instead of the Liu family!"

After that, he burned an incense stick for Liu Fan.

In the coffin, Liu Fan was shocked by the story of Zhao Laosan!

Zhao Laosan was too f*cking awesome!

After making a cuckold of the Lord Governor of the Lord Governor's Mansion, he even had a son. He was really "loving another's wife as his own"!

The Lord Governor would never believe that the next Lord Governor he had been bringing up for decades was the son of another man.

Liu Fan was exuberant. Zhao Laosan was a talent!

After scheming for decades, Zhao Laosan was not worried at all and was waiting for the Lord Governor to pass away so that he could take control!

This talent was someone whom the Liu family needed!

Liu Fan looked at Liu Tao.

He was extremely pleased with him.

Liu Tao was a descendant who was reliable and knew how to make use of the ancestor to check for loopholes. That was amazing.

The Spell of Betraying the Master for Glory had only two hours of effect. After two hours, Zhao Laosan would wake up and that would be troublesome.

However, after Liu Tao fed him poison and made him write the "letter of complaint," he had securely got hold of Zhao Laosan. Zhao Laosan would have to listen to him.

Zhuo Tianyou had been waiting for a long time outside the ancestral temple.

He saw Zhao Laosan talking to Liu Tao secretly in the ancestral temple.

They were excited at moments, trembling at moments, and blushing at moments. Eventually, both of them smiled and shook hands with pleasure while also patting each other's shoulders. They behaved as though they were good friends who had not met in years!

That was extremely strange!

Zhao Laosan was a very cold and emotionless person.

Why did his emotions change so much today?!

"Zhao Lao?! Zhao Lao?! Are you okay?!" Zhuo Tianyou shouted worriedly.

Zhao Laosan turned around and smiled while showing his teeth. "I am perfectly okay!"

Then, he waved his hands and said, "Come in, and pay your respects to our ancestor!"

Zhuo Tianyou walked in as Liu Meimei followed. Both of them paid respects to Liu Fan.

He saw Liu Fan's spirit tablet, which read "Liu Fan, an esteemed and well-loved ancestor, First Physical Cultivator." It gave off an interesting vibe as it was surrounded by the smoke.

Liu Fan somewhat exuded the aura of a master from the coffin.

This was the aura of the spirit of a Seven-Star Master. Unlike that of a master physical cultivator, it gave off a heavenly feel.

Zhuo Tianyou's expression changed.

He felt a strong stern vibe shrouding him from all directions. That feeling was even stronger than that of the Lord Governor's Mansion.

At that moment, he felt as though he had come to the Scorpio Palace of the City of Scorpio.

He had attended the meeting of the City of Scorpio with his father in the past and entered the Scorpio Palace once. He could not forget the solemn aura.

Yet today, he felt a similar aura in this ancestral temple.

That stunned him.

How could a small ancestral temple exude such a huge amount of aura?!

He felt his body become heavier, and he could not breathe properly. His body bent more and more until he reached a 90-degree bow.

At the side, Liu Meimei's beautiful face was pale. She could not take the suppression and fell on her knees uncontrollably.

"O, Heavens!"

"O, Earth!"

"O, our ancestors!"

Liu Tao shouted loudly at the door of the ancestral temple, signaling Liu Meimei to pay respects to their ancestor as soon as possible.

"As long as they've completed that, following the rules of the Liu family, Zhuo Tianyou will be married to Liu Meimei."

"A matrilocal residence!"

"In the future, we will be in-laws!" Liu Tao said to Zhao Laosan.

Zhao Laosan's eyes lit up and he said in excitement, "You are saying that your ancestor will also be my ancestor?!"

"You are right!" Liu Tao nodded.

"Then the Zhao family is really honored!" Zhao Laosan said happily but with a tinge of regret. "However, we cannot let Tianyou know about this yet. We have to think about it carefully!"

"The Lord Governor's Mansion is unlike any normal family clan. The Lord Governor only has one son and he is my biological son. We have to take caution if we plan to do this!" Zhao Laosan reminded him with a stern look.

He had changed his mindset and began to make considerations for the Liu family.