Women Are Spring Flowers

Just like how a doctor had to prescribe medicines depending on the symptoms, Liu Fan had to judge the situation first before casting any spells.

Liu Fan began to observe Liu Erquan.

He would cast a suitable spell on him to make him invincible after he had found out Liu Erquan's weakness!

"The true Era of Bulldozers will come only when every member of our Liu clan is unbeatable!" Liu Fan thought.

Although it was dark inside the coffin and he couldn't move, Liu Fan felt warmth rising in his heart.

In the afternoon, Zhao Laosan and Zhuo Tianyou returned to the Lord Governor's Mansion after taking their leave from Liu Tao.

Before they left, Liu Tao passed a book to Zhao Laosan.

"This is the Yi Yang Finger, a technique that has been passed down in my clan for 1000 years. I hope it will be of use to you," Liu Tao said quietly.

The Yi Yang Finger he had learned from Liu Fan was never recorded in words, which made it impossible to be leaked to outsiders. In fact, Liu Tao had written this book himself based on his understanding of the technique. Despite the loss of authenticity and the decrease in power, the book was still a valuable documentation of a powerful skill.

Zhao Laosan's eyes brightened up in pleasant surprise. He said, "Entrusted with this secret, the Lord Governor will certainly put serious thoughts into forming an alliance with the Liu family!"

Zhao Laosan promised Liu Tao that he would help with the marriage alliance between the two houses. Should the marriage fail, he would do his best to make Zhuo Tianyou the next governor. By that time, all the treasures that the Lord Governor's Mansion had harbored for years, including the mansion itself, would all belong to the Liu clan.

Satisfied, Liu Tao smiled.

Beside them, Liu Meimei was reluctant to part with Zhuo Tianyou. Her eyes were red from crying, and sadness was written all across her face. She even cut a strand of her hair and put it in Zhuo Tianyou's hands.

Zhuo Tianyou accepted this parting gift with a smile, but his heart was as cold as ice.

"This woman is a shameless liar."

Last night, Liu Meimei had drugged Zhuo Tianyou before they went to sleep together. After that, she removed their clothes, messed up her hair, and left bite marks all over her own body to make it seem like they had done the deed. Not only that, but she even cried in the morning and insisted that he must take responsibility.

But what she didn't know was that he had been with so many girls that he had seen through her trick immediately.

"Don't worry. I will take responsibility! I will love you until the last day of my life!" Zhuo Tianyou promised.

But deep down in his heart, he was planning to ask his father to slaughter the Liu family and sell Liu Meimei to the brothel.

"That will be the punishment for your dishonesty!" he sneered in his mind.

Men's words could never be trusted!

But Zhuo Tianyou didn't care.

His eyes were cold. That's the price Liu Meimei had to pay for fooling with the young governor of the Lord Governor's Mansion!

At the same time, he stole a quick glance at Liu Erquan, Liu Dahai, and the other Elders standing on the stairs, as well as at Zhao Laosan, who was whispering in Liu Tao's ear.

Zhuo Tianyou was instantly on the alert.

"Perhaps Zhao Laosan has already been corrupted by the Liu clan! He's betrayed us!"

Ever since they got up, Zhao Laosan had been hinting to him what a good couple he and Liu Meimei would make. He had been speaking in favor of the Liu clan too.

"A treacherous old dog!"

Zhuo Tianyou cursed silently. He would make sure Zhao Laosan would be skinned alive once they reached home!

At this moment, Zhao Laosan turned to look at him. Zhuo Tianyou smiled gently and nodded. He said, "Let's go, Uncle Zhao!"

He came forward respectfully and put a hand on Zhao Laosan's arm to support him.

Liu Tao's eyes were smiling. He waved as he watched his guests leave.

"Tianyou oppa, I will miss you… sob…" Liu Meimei was beautiful even when she was weeping. She ran out of the yard to send Zhuo Tianyou off.

Zhuo Tianyou squeezed out a few tears and walked away reluctantly.

When he had walked far enough, his eyes suddenly turned cold. He cursed under his breath, "Crazy b*tch!"

Zhao Laosan heard him. He had also caught the subtle changes in Zhuo Tianyou's eyes, which made him startled.

'Oh no!'

'This brat may go out of my control!' he thought.

"My lord, I would like to tell you something before we return home…"

"Tell me after we get home!"

"It's about your mother and me!"


Zhuo Tianyou's expression changed. He looked at Zhao Laosan with complicated emotions. Then, he walked into an inn, and Zhao Laosan followed behind closely.

After Zhuo Tianyou and Zhao Laosan had left, Liu Meimei returned, skipping happily like a lively sparrow. Her sadness from earlier was nowhere to be found.

Liu Tao looked at Liu Meimei approvingly and said, "Smart girl. Our Meimei has become such a good actress!"

Liu Meimei grinned. "Men are easy to manipulate, especially after they got some fun from women!"

Her words made Liu Erquan frown. He couldn't help but chide, "Girls should be pure and innocent. Don't let those schemes corrupt your mind!"

He looked up at the sky and let out a heavy sigh. "Nowadays, even women have resorted to trickery too. You won't find another woman as kind as Xiaoxiao's mother!"

Everyone fell silent.

Liu Erquan's wife was the woman who died after giving birth to Liu Xiaoxiao. She was indeed a fine woman, but sadly, she died young.

Liu Tao wanted to comfort Liu Erquan, but he was at a loss for words. He felt worried when Liu Erquan started gulping down wine from his wine calabash.

Given Liu Erquan's current state of mind, Liu Tao didn't want to entrust him with any important matters.

"Erquan, come and pay your respects to the Ancestor. Let the Ancestor give you some guidance!" Liu Tao said as he dragged Liu Erquan to the ancestral temple.

"You need to get things off your chest. Tell them to the Ancestor!"

Liu Tao patted on Erquan's shoulder and said, "Our ancestor will listen to you. Not kidding!"

Before he left, he closed the door, leaving Liu Erquan in the ancestral temple alone.

The flames of the oil lamps were flickering in the temple.

On the altar, incense smoke was rising in volumes.

Liu Fan opened his eyes and looked at Liu Erquan from inside the coffin.

Liu Erquan was kneeling on a praying mat. He poured a bowl of wine on the ground.

"Ancestor, your descendant Liu Erquan offers you a bowl of wine!"

"This is a 100-year-old nu'er hong. Please enjoy!" he said loudly before taking a gulp himself.

"When I saw Meimei and Tianyou today, they reminded me of Xiaoxiao's mother and me. Back in those days, we were a fine and loving couple. We held each other's hands wherever we went…"

"She loved osmanthus cakes and scallion pancakes. Sometimes, she would get up in the middle of the night just to steal a few bites of spicy gluten sticks… She loved eating, but she was the love of my life!"

"Ancestor, I learned from the family booklet that your relationship journey wasn't smooth. I don't know what kind of experience you've been through that made you claim that women are tigers. But to me, women are spring flowers. Xiaoxiao's mother was the most beautiful flower of all…"

Liu Erquan was drunk and started to confess his true feelings. He also questioned Liu Fan's opinions of women!

Liu Erquan's words reminded Liu Fan of the memories he had buried so deeply. His mind began to drift away.

It was a thousand years ago, truly a long time ago.

He could only remember that many girls had fallen for him for his looks and martial arts power.

Countless women had done everything they could to pursue him, hoping that they could marry him. There were even some married women who had gone to the extent of abandoning their families and becoming nuns just for him.

In order to block out all the unwanted attention, he had gone into seclusion. As a result, numerous women fell sick from missing him too much. In the end, some committed suicide, and some grew thin and frail.

"I remember that when I died, there were so many women who were willing to die and be buried with me that they couldn't fit in the City of Scorpio. But why did I not see any of them when I revived?…"

"Where did they go?! Who were they buried with?…"

  1. A variety of Chinese yellow wine