Fingers Could Move

The plan about marriages and births was confirmed.

After many years, whenever Liu Erhai recalled it, he'd be very happy that he had made this decision.

At the door of the ancestral temple, Liu Tao called for a meeting after seeing the handful of Elders.

"Liu Dahai will be in charge of the task regarding the expansion of our family clan! This has to be completed before winter," Liu Tao said.

Liu Dahai acknowledged the order.

"Liu Liuhai shall be in charge of the recruitment for the Scythe Army. You have to make sure you get 3000 recruits and form an army before winter."

"Liu Wuhai will be in charge of the weaponry of the Scythe Army, their housing accommodation, welfare, and so on. Work together with Liu Liuhai to settle the behind-the-scenes tasks. Meanwhile, when you are free, have discussions with Liu Daquan. Apart from rearing pigs, you can rear pythons, tigers, or lions too. These beasts are very powerful creatures. Since our family is made up of physical cultivators, we have to make sure we get more powerful physically."

Liu Wuhai widened his eyes and was in shock.

Rearing pythons, tigers, and lions? Clan Head, what are you thinking about?!

You didn't eat your fingernails, but why are you coming up with stuff like that too?!

"Submit a feasibility report tomorrow, no delays!" Liu Tao said fiercely to Liu Wuhai.

Liu Wuhai touched his head and shouted loudly, "Yes! Clan Head!"

Liu Tao smiled in satisfaction.

"Liu Erhai will be in charge of the plan for marriages and childbirths. Print out a notice and display it: every single family member has to give birth to at least three children! If they don't meet the requirement, their allowance shall be deducted."

Liu Tao gave this instruction to Liu Erhai and he took the orders.

"Liu Erquan will be in charge of Black Street. The manpower will be deployed from the Scythe Army. You have to secure the entire Black Street and make sure you don't lose what we've obtained from our hard work!"

"Yes!" Liu Erquan took the order.

Liu Sanhai panicked when he saw each of the Elders getting their own tasks. "As a member of this family, I want to play a part too. Clan Head, please give me a task to do!"

Liu Tao kept silent for a while before saying, "The Liu family does not lack money, but we lack intelligence. Back then, it was only after the news had spread and our enemies were at our gates that we realized we were in danger. I don't want to see such things happening again!"

"A thousand years ago, our ancestor built two armies that shocked the world. One of them is the black Scythe Army, and the other is the Silent Shadow Army. The black Scythe Army was in charge of the main attack while the Silent Shadow Army was in charge of the backhand moves. These include obtaining intelligence and information."

After he said that, Liu Tao's expression became serious and he shouted, "Elder Liu Sanhai, do you have the confidence to rebuild the Silent Shadow Army for our family?!"

When Liu Sanhai heard that, he developed a headache and complained internally.

'What the f*ck!'

'Why am I left with the tough job?'

The Silent Shadow Army was a killer in the dark. He was a handsome old man who liked to dig his earwax in broad daylight. He also did not have any prior experience, and it was almost impossible for him to build the Silent Shadow Army.

Moreover, the death rate of the Silent Shadow Army was very high as they were usually doing extremely difficult tasks.

Liu Erhai had just brought up the topic of getting them new wives. Before they could even enjoy their happy lives, they had to sacrifice themselves?!

"Clan Head, I…"

Liu Sanhai opened his mouth and wanted to reject the task.

However, Liu Dahai widened his eyes. Old brat, don't be embarrassing!

Liu Sanhai had no choice but to shout with his neck stretched, "Reporting to Clan Head, Liu Sanhai promises to complete the task!"

Liu Tao nodded in satisfaction. He looked at the rest and said, "Today's meeting is very important. Everyone has to try his best to complete the tasks assigned to him."

"If you do it well, Liu Erhai, the matchmaker, can arrange for a few more wives for you guys. If you fail, you won't get any woman!"

"Tomorrow morning, everyone has to submit a feasibility report and gather at the ancestral temple. In front of the ancestor, you shall take up your tasks!" Liu Tao said.

Because of the Spell of Trickery and Deception, he was always smiling, making it hard to tell what was on his mind. However, when he became serious, everyone would fear him.

The charisma of the head of their clan was getting stronger!

Liu Fan felt relieved as he witnessed this from the coffin.

Liu Tao, the head of the clan, was becoming more charismatic. He also had long-term plans for the development of the Liu family. Perhaps soon, the Liu family would become rejuvenated.

Liu Fan was looking forward to it.

The people in the courtyard left hurriedly.

Liu Tao did too.

Liu Fan was left lying in the coffin alone.

He used his spiritual sensitivity to sense the things happening within the Liu family house. He saw all the busy family members and a corner of Black Street.

Although he did not leave the coffin, he could still be aware of many things.

Liu Fan activated his Four Suns Body Tempering Method, and the physical energy began to move throughout his body. His blood and flesh were still getting replaced, and more new blood and flesh were being created. The smell of decay was fading as well.

Soon, he would return with a real body!

Suddenly, he felt a numbing and hot sensation on his left middle finger. The acupuncture point turned into a whirlwind of energy.

Liu Fan was surprised. Was his left middle finger reviving?!

He used his refinement technique to activate the acupuncture point of his left middle finger so as to trigger the transformation of the flesh.

"Thump!" came a soft sound.

It was as though he had snapped his fingers!

His left middle finger moved and the blood began to flow.

Then, his entire finger trembled and he began to regain his senses.

"My middle finger… can move?!"

Liu Fan was excited. He moved his left middle finger and it finally reacted.



Make a hook!

All these movements were made.

He used his energy and diverted them to the middle finger. Occasionally, the fingertip would produce bright beams and begin to shine like the sun.

That was the Yi Yang Finger!

He had a feeling that if he flicked his finger, he would be able to produce a force like a missile and destroy the entire Black Street.

As compared to Liu Dongdong's Yi Yang Finger, this was completely different.

"When I was alive, my Yi Yang Finger can cause half of the City of Scorpio to die. Yet now, after 1000 years, my powers had deteriorated by so much!"

Liu Fan sighed and missed the days when he was a bulldozer.

He would beat up anyone whom he did not like!

"As long as the Liu family becomes more powerful and gathers more members, my respect points will increase to a sufficient amount and I will be able to recover completely. But for today, I can only recover one of my fingers!"

Night fell. There was no moon. The sky was dark and it was very windy. The leaves fell because of the wind.

The lights lit up in the Liu family house and gradually dimmed.

Everyone was asleep. Occasionally, one could hear the cries of a baby, but he would be coaxed back to sleep soon after.

That was because it was late at night!


The door of the ancestral temple suddenly opened.

Liu Dahai brought Liu Sanhai over.

They sneakily looked around and were carrying a gunny sack.

"What are the two of them doing?"

"Are they paying respects to me in the middle of the night?! Or are they planning to do something sneaky?!"

Liu Fan opened his eyes in confusion in the coffin.