Caught a Huge Fish, but Two Brothers Have Died

Snow covered the entire city.

A lady arrived at Black Street.

Wearing a white mink coat, she looked around with her shining big eyes. She was cute and pure and looked like a flower in winter. The people on the streets turned around and flirted with her.

If a beautiful woman like her had walked on Black Street in the past, she would have been kidnapped by others.

Yet now, with the Scythe Army patrolling Black Street, making piapiapia sounds as they marched, nobody dared to do so!

It was extremely orderly!

The tea shops, wine shops, pawnshops, and trading associations were full of customers and bustling with activity. The street was crowded, but there were no fights.

"Black Street seems to really be under the Liu clan now!"

"Master's speculation was accurate. The Liu family really had physical skills passed down to them!" the lady said softly as she looked around and walked.

She'd been ordered to investigate the Liu family.

At the corner of the street, Yang Shou'an, the leader of the third team of the Scythe Army, was patrolling along with nine soldiers.

As they walked around, the passers-by shrunk their necks and looked on in fear. The expression on the bosses of the tea shops changed and they looked on in envy.

Yang Shou'an, the hawk of the Scythe Army!

He had eyes as sharp as an eagle's, a vision as scheming as a snake's, and a nose as sensitive as a dog's.

He was nicknamed "Dog Yang"!

Whoever he spied on could never escape. They would be brought back after their legs were broken.

Within a month's time, Yang Shou'an had caught 113 people, all of whom were spies sent by other clans.

This had caught the attention of the leader of the Scythe Army, Liu Liuhai.

Liu Liuhai gave him an Eagle Snake Badge, promoting him from being an ordinary soldier of the Scythe Army to being a team leader. He also appointed nine skilled elite soldiers to follow him and assist him in his mission to sweep clean the betrayers within Black Street.

"The chief commander promised to sing my praises to the Clan Head and let me obtain a physical cultivation technique if I make another achievement!"

Yang Shou'an was excited when he thought about this promise that Liu Liuhai had made.

He turned around and instructed the nine followers to disperse, take off their jacket, and move about in plain clothes. Their mission was to look for suspicious people among the pedestrians.

Yang Shou'an entered the highest floor of the Crane Tower. He stood in front of the window and looked at the people.

Gradually, the sky turned dark.

The snow began to fall again. People began to hurry on the streets, and the shop owners began to close their shops. The street that used to be bustling with activity became quiet and desolate. Only the shops that sold alcohol had occasional noises.

Yang Shou'an frowned. Seemed like he had to return empty-handed.

For the entire month, the Scythe Army had been patrolling regularly, and many people feared them after seeing several arrests. They had established their name in Black Street.

Black Street had become orderly and everyone behaved. There were no longer fights on the top of the roofs.

However, Yang Shou'an was unhappy as he was unable to make more arrests and add on to his accomplishments.

Without those accomplishments, he would not be able to be commended to the chief commander and hence be unable to learn the physical cultivation techniques of the Liu family.

"Grumble grumble…"

The chef was carefully brewing wine. The smell was amazing, but the chef was afraid to make any other noises.

That was because the shopkeeper had instructed him to treat Yang Shou'an well and keep his mouth shut.

At this moment, Yang Shou'an suddenly turned around and looked at the waiter. His eyes narrowed as he began to examine him.

The waiter's heart skipped a beat, but he casually took the kettle and poured a cup of tea for Yang Shou'an.

"Master Yang, please enjoy!" the waiter said as he passed him the cup of tea respectfully.

Yang Shou'an frowned and looked at the waiter.

The waiter was calm and held the tea stably.

Unless his gut feelings were wrong… wasn't this waiter a spy?!

Yang Shou'an was suspicious. He took the cup but did not drink the tea. He began to sniff the area that the waiter had touched earlier on.

"Scent of rose…"

Yang Shou'an smiled. He smelled the light scent of rose in the area that the waiter had touched.

The panic in the waiter's eyes disappeared and he said, "Please don't tell the shopkeeper, I merely went to look for my lover…"

Yang Shou'an shook his head and stared at the waiter's eyes. He said affirmatively, "Stop pretending, Snow Rose from the Living Dead Clan!"

After that, the waiter's expression changed drastically.

Dog Yang's nose was too good. He merely shook the Senior Sister of the Living Dead Clan's hand once and Dog Yang could already detect the scent.

The waiter turned his wrist and shot out poisonous needles from his sleeves.

Yang Shou'an blocked the poisonous needles using his agile skills.

The waiter took the chance to escape and made a signal as a warning.

In the tower, the sound of weapons could be heard. Meanwhile, someone shouted, "Retreat! All the rest, follow me and kill Dog Yang!"

Yang Shou'an leaped out of the window and shot out a flare as he did so. It exploded and made extremely eye-catching signals.

Instantly, the Scythe Army rushed over from all corners of Black Street. They surrounded the entire tower and aimed their arrows.


"Don't let anyone live!" Yang Shou'an commanded,

Riding the wind, the arrows began to hit the tower.

Instantly, shouts of pain were heard.

Some customers shouted anxiously. They were innocent.

"I would rather kill the innocent than let the culprits escape!" Yang Shou'an replied emotionlessly.

He shot an arrow and killed the shopkeeper of the tower. He fell from the window and died.

Then, he gestured for nine plain-clothes soldiers to follow him as they headed towards the deep corners of the alley.

Along the way, Yang Shou'an stopped occasionally and went to the floor to sniff.

Even though it was snowing heavily, he captured the scent of the rose.

He was nicknamed Dog Yang!

It was for a reason!

The nine soldiers surrounded Yang Shou'an and protected him while looking at him in anticipation.

Indeed, Yang Shou'an got up and pointed at the Stone Horse Alley.

"Walk quietly and follow me. Target: Stone Horse Alley!"


The small group moved quickly but quietly.

Three of the soldiers went up to the roof while two went into the snow. The rest followed behind Yang Shou'an and ran into one of the houses in the Stone Horse Alley.

"Who is there?!…"

Cling Clang!

Sounds of a fight were heard. Someone escaped but was attacked by the soldiers hidden in the snow.

Soon after, Yang Shou'an walked out of the courtyard with blood dripping from his sword. Only two soldiers followed behind him. They held a lady dressed in white mink coat. There was a cloth stuffed in her mouth to prevent her from committing suicide.

"I caught a big fish, but two brothers died because of that!"

Yang Shou'an sighed and looked at the lady. He said in anticipation, "You are from the Living Dead Clan, but you are here to investigate the Liu family. I am sure that our chief commander will be interested!"

"I hope I can use her in exchange for our promotion!"

"The chief commander will definitely reward you, Team Leader!"

The soldiers comforted Yang Shou'an and Yang Shou'an nodded.

Liu Liuhai, as the Sixth Elder and the leader of the Scythe Army, kept his promises.

When he thought about how he would be recommended to the Clan Head and awarded the cultivation technique of the Liu family, Yang Shou'an laughed and pinched the lady's face, leaving behind a bruise.

To have tender, protective feelings for the fairer sex?!


There was no such thing in Yang Shou'an's vocabulary!